Chapter 12: Swiveling Flowers

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Hello everyone, it's been awhile~!  I'm sorry it took me song long to update; I've been busy! ^^;  But here is the next chapter, I hope you like it!  I've got everything planned out; I just have to write it down! XP  Anyways, I dedicate this chapter to mysteriousdevil123 because her new NaLu fan fiction is SO adicting!! <3  Hope you enjoy, nyan!~

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


Lucy gasped in amazement.

Laid strewn out in a field in front of her was a massive area of flowers; beautiful, golden honey-colored flowers.

"Oh wow!"  Lucy exclaimed, breathless.

Happy giggled.  "Natsu and I were looking for a place to fish, and we found this place!"  Natsu walked forward, smiling as he spread his arms wide.  "Natsu said this would make you feel better!"

At that last remark, Natsu flinched, giving Happy the "shhh" motion.  "Happy!"  He hissed through his teeth.

Lucy blinked puzzledly.  "Make me feel better?  But nothing's wrong!"  She exclaimed, putting a convincing smile on her face.

"But Natsu said you were-"  Natsu's hand clasped over Happy's muzzle, muffling his voice.

Lucy watched with her eyes wide in surprise as Natsu wrestled to keep Happy quiet.  Finally she sighed.  "Natsu..."  She murmured, her eyes softening sadly.

"Mpf?"  He asked, his lips being pushed on by a struggling Happy's paws.  However when Lucy spoke, they both stopped, staring at her.

Lucy smiled again, letting herself fall backwards to be surrounded by the beautiful golden flowers.  "You've noticed, then?"

Natsu turned serious.  "Yeah.  You've been down lately, I've been meaning to ask whats up."

Lucy's lips quirked in a small smile.  So he really doesn't know about the Shadow Creep.  "You don't need to worry, Natsu."  She sat up, wrapping her arms around her now-lifted knees.  "It means a lot you're worried about me, but I'm fine...I promise."  She gave him a smile then, despite her soul frowning.  I don't think it's time to tell him about the Shadow Man yet.  I will soon, though.

After a few seconds, Natsu gave her his familiar big grin, collapsing next to her with a big sigh.  Easily convinced, he yawned, the suspicion gone.  "Looks like we were worried about nothing!"  He exclaimed, raising his arms to rest them behind his head.

Lucy laughed.  "Did you ever find Happy a fish?"

Happy sniffled.  "No!"

Natsu and Lucy laughed.

"You'll have to bring everyone and see this too, Natsu!"  Happy squeaked, jumping up and down next to him.

"Was plannin' too!"  Natsu replied, smiling.

Maybe I should just forget about the wierd shadow guy,  Lucy thought, watching Natsu and Happy further discuss their plans.  She looked up at the blue sky, clouds moving slowly in the mid-summer breeze.  It peaked out over the trees, and birds flew into the air towards the city.

After all, he's just my imagination if Natsu can't see him.


Natsu and Happy and Lucy stayed in the field of swiveling golden flowers for awhile, with Lucy teaching Natsu how to play eye-spy.  They played for an hour or two, laughing together like the old days before the Seven Year Sleep.  As they were walking back, Lucy was smiling happily at a laughing Natsu and Happy, completely forgetting about the Dark Man.

"This was fun Natsu, Lucy!"  Happy mewed, flying in circles around them.  "We need to go on a mission again soon!"

Natsu nodded, being his usual goofy self.  "Absolutely!  We haven't done anything like that in ages!  But first..."  He made a face.  "I'm hungry!"

Lucy laughed, shaking her head in mock dismay.  "I'm sure there is food back at the guild-"  She stopped.  No.  Not him...Not now!  She didn't move a single part of her body, just her eyes.  And to the side of the road there he was again, disappearing like the familiar mist she knew.

Natsu and Happy didn't notice her pause, so she continued walking, a bead of sweat falling down her forehead.  This is crazy!  Like I told myself earlier, this just your writer's imagination!  Lucy told herself.  I need to keep it together!

"Finally!"  Natsu groaned, pushing open the door to the familiar talking of the guild.  "Food!!"  He ran to the counter, and Lucy chuckled softly, walking to the seat next to him.  Watching him gobble down food, she looked down at the counter, her mind trailing off to the Shadow Man once more.

I need to get rid of this imagination...  She joked with herself, still convinced it was her mind playing tricks on her.

Not far away, Carla and Wendy were sitting with Levvy and Lisanna, talking.  Suddenly, Carla froze.

The same premonition!  She thought, clenching her teeth.  The same one as the one I saw while were looking for the cure for Lucy!  The familiar scene of the giant gray stone with writing on it flashed through her mind, surrounded by cave-like walls.  Suddenly a new part of her "premonition" flew through her mind, and her pupils contracted fearfully.   It was a picture of a wierd key, the end in a triangle formation as sharp as a knife.  It was a strange green and black color, with a peice of black silver winding around the base of the key.  Then the handle had the familiar white circle of Lucy's key, but the symbol was strange, something she couldn't make out before the image flashed away.

"Carla?"  After a hesitant breath back into the present, Carla looked up, seeing Wendy looking down at her with her familiar brown eyes.  "Carla, are you okay?"  She murmured worredly over the chatter of Levvy and Lisanna.

"Fine."  Carla replied, sassily folding her arms.  If only.

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now