Chapter 24: The Legendary Key Spirit, Astarot!

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I bet you were all iching for this chapter, haha! ^^;  I had so much fun writing it!  I hope it doesn't disappoint you...I dedicate this chapter to AiraIsabelBenito...I hope you all enjoy this chapter. c:  Sadly, this fanfiction is coming to a close...I have what, maybe three or four chapters left to write?  I don't want this fan fiction to end, not at all. :')  I loved writing this so much!  Good things must come to an end, I guess...Once again, enjoy, ne?  Feedback is greatly appreciated!♡

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


"Lucy!"  Natsu yelled.  "Oi Lucy!  Where'd you go?!"

"What did you do, Virel?"  Erza growled, anger on her face as she stood.

Virel didn't answer, his face surprised.

"Give back Lucy!"  Happy exclaimed.

"I do not know where she went."  Virel replied.

"What?"  Natsu asked, disbelief on his face.

Virel smirked.  "But...I now have enough magic power to summon The Black Being."  He waved his hand, and Erza, Gray, Wendy and Carla, and Happy slammed to the ground, unable to move.

"Everyone!"  Natsu yelled, trying to break free from the restraints.  "Damn it Virel, you better let me loose or I'll..."  He grolwed deep in his throat.

"I-I can't move..."  Carla replied.

"Me neither!"  Gray exclaimed.  "Damn it!"


"Where am I?"  Lucy whimpered, spinning in a floated-circle around and around.  Her voice echoed, filled to the brim with something she didn't recognize.  Her memories rushed back to her, and she gasped, remembering everyone was in danger.  She looked around, nothing but stars and pure, warm light surrounded her; caressing her like she was home after agonizing years of departing.

"You are inside my spirit key, Lucy Heartfilia."

Widening her eyes, Lucy spun around, and took in a sharp breath as she recognized--but couldn't even begin to comprehend--the figure of a magestic dragon standing before her.  It was mammoth; ginormous in size.  The dragon faintly reminded her of Acnologia, magestic yet dark and dangerous.

"A-A dragon?!"  Lucy exclaimed, frozen in place from complete and utter bewilderment.  She uncertainly looked around, the stars still recognizable.  "Y-You're the celestial spirit of the forbidden key, aren't you?"  She whispered, her conclusion real as she spoke it aloud.

The dragon nodded one single nod, his bright yellow eyes entrancing Lucy right to the core.  "I am the Legendary Key Spirit, Astarot, the Celestial Dragon."  To upgrade his majesty, his voice echoed throughout the vacuum of space, seeming to even rattle the glowing stars.

"Astarot..."  Lucy murmured amazed.  "You were guarding The Black Dragon's seal, weren't you?...Why am I here, inside your key?"  She clutched the Celestial Dragon's key tightly to her chest protectively; an instinct.

The dragon Astarot studied her with his glorious and in-depth eyes.  "I assumed you needed my help."

Lucy nodded furiously.  "Yes."

"You're friends are in trouble; especially your friend the Dragon Slayer.  You need my power in order to defeat Virel and his power."  He narrowed his eyes at her.  "However, do you know the price?"

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