Chapter 4: The Mansion and Lucy

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Hello again everyone!  Thanks so much for the support so far~! ♥  It means so much, keep it up, okay? ;w;  I dedicate this chaper to kitcat5510 because she is also a fellow Fairy Tail lover, like all of us!<3  She also fanned me, so this is a way of thank you! c: Hope you all enjoy!

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


"This place is huge!"  Natsu exclaimed, and Happy flew around in an excited twitter.

"Let's hope someone is home."  Gray replied, sighing.

The mansion was a lot bigger once they got closer.  It had white walls and a red roof.  It had three main buildings, and two hallways connecting them together.  Pretty flower beds rotated around the fence, adding a nice and peaceful feel to it.  The group walked up to the door, and Erza took ahold of the large knocker, banging it against the door loudly.  It reverberated throughout the woods and everyone could even hear it echo through the mansion inside.

The door opened after a few seconds, and a short little maid with black short hair appeared.  "Welcome to Lady Laufeia and her father Lord Mastel's residents.  How may I help you?"


Lucy turned restlessly in her bed, the first movement in days since she was put into the Medical Room.  Poluchka came to her bedside in surprise, leaning over to look at Lucy's face.

"Make it stop..."  Lucy murmured, clutching the bed sheets tightly.  "Get him away..."  Slowly, her eyes opened, but they were foggy and clouded over.

"Lucy?"  Poluchka asked tentatively.

"Who...Poluchka?"  Lucy asked, her voice hoarse.

She's losing her memories already.  Poluchka thought stressfuly.  "Lucy, let me look into your mind with a spell."

Lucy nodded slightly, no color in her face.

Poluchka slowly reached her hand out towards Lucy, but stopped as red eyes flashed through her mind.  She jerked her hand away, surprised.  What...was that?  She thought, narrowing her old eyes suspiciously.

"Ms. Poluchka..."  Lucy whispered, the light in her eyes dimming.  "Get him out"  Her eyes slowly closed, and she fell asleep once more.

I was wrong.  Lucy doesn't have a sickness.  Poluchka headed to tell Makarov right away, opening the door quickly.  Her soul is being overrun with darkness...  Poluchka narrowed her eyes as she walked.  Lucy will soon lose control of her body, and her soul will die out.  Natsu, all of you... we've been searching for the wrong thing.  We need to find the person responsible for this spell.  Only they can release Lucy.


"How may I help you?"  A man replied as everyone entered the main office.  He was standing by his window in the corner, so this must be Lord Mastel.

Erza stepped forward.  "We'd like to ask you if you've seen a certain plant nearby?"

"Well, I've gone on plenty of walks living here; maybe if you describe it to me I will know where to find it."

"Well,"  Erza started.  "It has only three leaves, and has a very large berry in the center.  The berry itself is a mid-blue, with a tan-ish pattern decorating it."

Lord Mastel thought for a moment.  "That sounds awfully like this one..."  He stepped out of the way, guestering with his hand to a small column holding the exact plant inside.

"There it is!"  Wendy exclaimed.

"Excuse me, but we need that plant to heal one of our friends.  Do you think we could take it?"  Gray asked, his and everyone else's faces shining with relief.

Mastel thought for a moment.  "Who are you trying to heal, may I ask?"

"Our friend Lucy!"  Happt exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Mastel froze, starting to smile.  "I see.."  He took the fruit out of the protective glass, clutching it in his palm tightly.

Natsu stepped forward to take it happily, but in an instant Lord Mastel's eyes flashed a dark crimson, and he burned the plant with black fire.

"No!"  Natsu yelled, reaching his hand out disbelievingly as the ashes drifted to the floor.

"That was the only thing that could save Lucy!"  Wendy exclaimed, shock in her voice.

"Why would you do that?"  Natsu asked, his voice angry.

Mastel laughed, and everyone took a startled step back as a dark aura perfumed his body.  "You pathetic Fairy Tail wizards!  Lucy Heartfilia is not ill; her soul is being devoured!"

"What?"  Natsu replied, his face set in an angry scowl.

"I've got a bad feeling!"  Gray replied, resting his hands in preparation for attack.

"Who are you really...?"  Erza murmured.

Mastel grinned wickedly.  "The master of Black Essence!"  He shot black fire at them, laughing.  Everyone dodged it quickly, jumping to the sides of the spacious room.  When the black flames snuffed out, he was gone.

"Who was that?!"  Wendy exclaimed, fear in her voice.  She clutched Carla tightly.

"I don't know what all that meant but he destroyed Lucy's cure!"  Natsu exclaimed, anger vibrating through his voice, eyes wild.

"Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy...Can you hear me?!"  Warren's voice echoed in their minds again.

"Warren!"  Happy exclaimed.

"You have to get back to the guild!  I don't have much time, you guys are too far away and Lucy is-"  His voice cut off, and everyone felt Warren's magic leave their minds.

"Something's wrong back at the guild!"  Erza exclaimed.  "Let's hurry back!"

"But we can't just leave!  Lucy's cure is still here!"  Happy squeaked, floating above Natsu's head.

Erza turned regretfully back to Happy.  "Lucy's cure was a rare plant.  I doubt we could find another one."  And with that, Erza turned, signaling for everyone to follow her.

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now