Chapter 20: The Black Being and Past's Intentions

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 Kon-nichiwa!~  Here is the next chapter of my Fary Tail/NaLu fan fiction! ;)  I hope you like it; the more I write, the more excited I get!  I want to dedicate this chapter to LeoMohToh for being a fan of my NaLu fan fictions. :')  Thanks so much!  I hope this story isn't disapointing any of you, really!♡  Tell me if it is, ne?  I hope you enjoy this chapter of Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings!☆

Ry-chan // Ryrirzuar


W-What happened?  Lucy thought, her eyes slowly opening.  What the-?!

Lucy was in a circular stone room, with a pedestal sitting in the middle.  A single pillar of light blue light shined down on it; the only source of light in the room.  For some reason, Lucy had came-to on the ground, and she pulled herself up slowly, cautious.  She walked over, and gasped when she saw what was on the pillar.

A strange key sat there, tilted to the side in an angle.  It had a gold base, but strange green markings and a green sliver curling around it all the way to the top, where it sharpened into a strange tooth-like form.  "What?  A-A key?"  She reached for it tentatively.  An electric shock went through her, and she gasped, pulling away.  "No way am I grabbing that..."  She murmured, stepping away.  Looking at it, curiousity got the best of her, and she took a cautious step forward.  Her hand entering the blue light, she reached for it, but something jolted her away.


"Lucy?  Lucy!"  Lucy heard a voice calling her, and she opened her eyes, to see Natsu's worried face staring at her's.  His expression filled with relief once he saw Lucy's eyes open.  "You're okay.  I freaked out for a second, thinking you lost all your memories with the way you first looked at me."

Lucy sat up, rubbing her head.  "What happened?"

"You fainted."  Natsu replied, helping her up.

Lucy's breath suddenly catched as she remebered the key.  "Natsu!"  She replied, turning to him abruptly.  "You're not going to believe this!  While I was unconscious, I had a weird dream..."  She wandered off, looking down.  A picture of the strange key flashed through her mind.  Was that the legendary key I read about?  She looked back up at Natsu.  "...It was about this weird key, something I had read about awhile ago."

"A key?"  Natsu asked, confused.

Lucy nodded.  "It's supposedly stronger than all the Twelve Zodiac Keys, but no one has seen it in ages."

"Why would you dream about a key?"  Natsu asked, rubbing the back of his head obliviously.

Lucy sighed.  "I wish I knew."

"What happened, Natsu?!"  Lucy and Natsu looked up, to see a surprised Happy floating in the air above them.

"Happy!"  Natsu exclaimed.  "Lucy was being a klutz, so she fell from the ladder.  I had to catch her, and we bumped into the bookshelves."  He smirked.

"I am not!"  Lucy exclaimed, her ears slightly redenning.

Happy and Natsu laughed, and Lucy couldn't help but smile at their childishness.  "We better look through this book, then."  She replied, turning serious.  She walked over to a table nearby and pulled out the chair.

Natsu walked to her side, his arms crossed.  Happy floated down from the sky, his wings disappearing as he touched the table top.  Lucy flipped through the books pages, looking for the familiar symbol on Virel's cheek.

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now