Chapter 8: Natsu vs Mastel

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Kon'nichiwa everyone!  Here is the next chapter; I hope you didn't wait too long. c:  I'm planning to finish this before my break ends, so lets hope I can!♥ This chapter is dedicated to MsBiancaDragneel because I lovee her Love and Lucky fan fiction!☆ So enjoy, I guess. c: Feedback is very much appreaciated!♡

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


Erza jumped away from Ellaine, clenching her jaw in frustration.

She's fast.  She thought, arrowing her eyes at Ellaine.  We are almost evenly matched.  Erza requiped to her Heaven's Wheel Armor, and Ellaine stood up from her knees.

"You're stronger than I expected."  Ellaine said with shock.

"Did you think Fairy Tail was a weak little guild?  Because it's not.  Not by a long shot!"  Erza replied, slashing at Ellaine with renewed will.  "I won't lose!"

Ellaine scowled, jumping out of the way of Erza's swings.  She unsheathed her sword again, slamming it into Erza's.  "I won't either.  I have to buy the Master some time."

"Do you even know what your 'Master' is planning?"  Erza yelled, slamming her sword into Ellaine's once again.  She then began to summon swords in the air, and Ellaine glance around warily.

"It doesn't matter!  Our Master is always right; he does what's right!"  Ellaine grunted, pushing forward against Erza.

"Even if that means taking an innocent person's soul?!"  Erza jumped away to a safe distance.  "Dance, my blades."  They swarmed around Erza, spinning in rapid circles of at least one hundred of them.  

"What the..?"  One shot off and towards Ellaine, and she made it fly off her sword as it deflected away.  Erza sent multiple swords the next time, and Ellaine was forced to dodge them by running.  But there were too many; a couple finally hit Ellaine, knocking her to the ground painfully with slashes on her body.

Erza stepped forward, stopping in front of her laying body.  "Trinity Shot!"  Ellaine was sent flying into the air, then fell to the ground with a loud thump.

"My Master is always right!  He-He's the good guy..."  Ellaine murmured defiantly, but with a bit of uncertainty.  She sat up, shaking in pain.

Erza requipped back to her Heart Kreuz Armor, a scowl on her face.  "You lose."


"Ice Make: Block!"

Giant swords of ice slammed into Gray's shield, shattering and flying off in all directions.  Gray's shield cracked, and Gray breathed heavily.  Dreckel was breathing heavily also, defensless.

One more attack.  Gray thought, getting into position again.  "Ice Make: Lance!"


"Lion Brilliance."  Loke chanted, and the room instantly lighted up, shining out the windows brightly.  Lucy and Natsu had closed their eyes, but Mastel was blinded thoroughly, and he blocked his eyes painfully.  "Now, Natsu!"  Loke ordered, somewhere in the light.

With a battle cry, Natsu appeared as soon as Lion Brilliance cleared, slamming his fist into Mastel's face and sending him flying back into the wall.

"Regulus Impact!"  Loke yelled, clutching his right arm as a ring of magic appeared in front of him.  A lion head shot out of it, flying straight towards Mastel and slamming him into the wall again, making wall and ceiling debris collapse at the bottom of the hole and cover him.

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now