Chapter 2: The Special Condition

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This chapter is dedicated to bookloveforever because she told me that she loved my last book.  I hope you all like this and please tell me what you think~! c: <33

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


"Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, lifting Lucy to a sitting position.  "Wake up!"


Natsu looked up to see Happy flying towards him with Carla carrying Wendy in close pursuit.

"I found them on the way back!"  Happy replied, dropping to the ground beside him.

"Thank you, Happy."  Natsu replied, looking at Wendy.  "Can you heal her?"

"I'll try."  Wendy replied, plopping to the ground beside Natsu.  "Hold her up."

"Alright."  Natsu let Lucy lean against his chest, and he held onto her burning arms gently.  Wendy's hands began to glow.  

"What happened, Natsu?"  Carla asked, looking at Natsu and then at Lucy.

Natsu looked a bit distressed down at the unconscious Lucy.  "This was how I found her.  I had reached to shake her awake, and that's when I realized how high her temperature had rose.  What's wrong, Wendy?"

Wendy was staring at her hands with wide eyes, and she stopped healing Lucy, pulling her hands to rest on her chest.  "I-I can't heal Lucy!"  She exclaimed disbelievingly, shaking.

"What?!"  Natsu replied, looking down at Lucy's strained face.

"Her body temperature is rising!"  Carla exclaimed, a little paw on Lucy's leg.

"Let's get her back to the guild!"  Natsu replied, picking Lucy up.  "Wendy, you tell Warren what's going on as I get us back!"

Wendy looked away from her hands, and regained her composure, nodding.  "Okay."

They started to run, running back as fast as Natsu could while carrying Lucy.

"Can you hear me, Warren?"  Wendy replied, panting as they ran.

"What's wrong with Lucy?"  Everyone screamed through the Telepathy.

Wendy cringed.  "Lucy has a high fever, and it keeps getting worse.  She has a few injuries too!"

"Can't you heal her?"  Wendy recognized Cana's voice.

Wendy narrowed her eyes sadly.  "I tried, but there is some sort of lock on Lucy's body."

"A lock?"  Warren asked.

"Yes.  I can't use any magic on her whatsoever!  And to make it worse..."  Wendy murmured off.

"...We couldn't sense Lucy's magic because she has none."  Natsu finished, scowling.  Who would do this to Lucy?

Makarov's voice echoed through the Telepathy.  "Get Lucy back here as soon as you can.  We need to get her to the Medical Room."


Lucy was in bed, no better than before.  In fact, Lucy might of gotten a little worse.  She had a white cloth on her forehead in attempt to bring down her temperature.  Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Makarov were gathered around Lucy's bed, looking at her with worry.

"I'll have to ask Poluchka for help.  Nothing we seem to do seems to work."  He lifted his head.  "I will go get her in the morning.  Let's hope Lucy..."  He wandered off, not wanting to state his thought.

Natsu was looking at Lucy's pained face with a mix of anger and grief.  "Who would do this to Lucy?"

"It's either surviving enemies from the Infinity Clock battle or a new enemy."  Erza replied, a hand on her hip.  "But who?"

Gray sighed.  "Maybe this might help Lucy."  He put his hand on the side of the bed, and the covers started to frost slightly.  "I made the covers a little colder, so It's like a giant wet wash cloth."

"That should help some."  Makarov replied, standing.  "In any case, someone is either after Lucy or after the guild."  Makarov turned his head, looked at the bed-ridden Lucy.  "In any case, we should have someone watch Lucy for the night."

"I'll do it."  Natsu replied, not taking his eyes off of Lucy.  "If the same person who hurt Lucy comes looking for her again, I'll take them out for sure."

Makarov nodded.  "Very well.  Thank you, Natsu."  He turned, and the rest of the guild followed the Master out the door.


As soon as he could, the Master brought in Poluchka, who as usual was not pleased.  But once she saw Lucy, she froze.  Poluchka walked over to Lucy's bedside, letting her hand hover over Lucy's forehead.  "Her temperature is so high I can feel it radiate off her."  She turned to the Master.  "What happened?"

"We don't know.  We found her like this, out in the woods."  He replied.

Poluchka turned back to Lucy, narrowing her eyes.  "I know what this is."

Everyone flinched in surprise.  

"That fast?"  Wendy gasped, awed.

"Lucy has a rare case of Magic Poisoning."

"Magic Poisoning?"  Natsu repeated, puzzled.

"It's when someone takes someones magic and replaces it with poison.  But this is a rare case."  Poluchka looked around the room at everyone.  "Lucy's had so much magic drained out of her, she can't even move.  And since it can't refill on nothing, Lucy will die at this rate."

"No way."  Natsu murmured, his eyes wide.

"What do we do?"  Erza asked defiantly.

The old woman looked out the window, morning light streaming in.  "There is a large plant that grows in the woods far out past the city.  It's quite rare, but it grows somewhere in that area.  If you can aquire the fruit, I can save this girl's life."

"What are we waiting for?  We have to save Lucy!"  Natsu yelled.

Erza and Gray nodded.  "We'll go, too."

Wendy walked forward.  "Don't forget about me and Carla!  We're coming too!"

"You must go quickly."  Poluchka replied.  "This is a lot worse than normal."  Her face dire, she turned to the guild members.  "If you don't retrieve this fruit at least in three weeks, Lucy's dead."

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