Chapter 5: Lucy's Life

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Hello again everyone!<3  Here is another update; I hope you enjoy~!  Please comment and rate, nya~  I dedicate this chapter to Celine_Fullbuster because she is also a NaLu lover!  I hope you enjoy this, I love your NaLu fanfiction~♥ So I hope you all enjoy, nyan!

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


Two days later, Natsu and the others burst through the doors to see the guild completely battered up.  There were holes in the walls, and some parts of the furniture were burnt and charred.  Everyone Natsu recognized had a grief-stricken facial expression, looking like they had just gone through a battle.  Everyone had either a few or a lot of bandages on their bodies, along with bruises.

"What happened?!"  Erza replied, running up to Master Makarov.  Wendy, Gray, and Natsu followed close behind.

"We were attacked by an Unofficial Guild."  He replied, his arms crossed angrily.

Pure rage flashed across Natsu's face.  "What?!"

"And they took Lucy."  Natsu and the others turned and saw Levvy, sniffling.  She held out her hands, and Lucy's keys rested in her shaking hands.

"Oh no, Lucy!"  Wendy exclaimed.

The newly arrived team froze in disbelief.

Poluchka emerged from the Medical Room, hearing Natsu and everyone else's voices.  She scowled.  "She was dying anyway."

"Poluchka!"  The Master snapped, both grief and anger on his face.

"What do you mean Lucy was dying?!"  Natsu exclaimed, taking a step forward and clenching his teeth angrily.

"Lucy's soul was being devoured by Dark Magic.  Whoever is after Lucy wants to rip apart her soul and take her powers, which means he'll need her body."  Poluchka sighed.  "She's probably almost gone by now."

"Black Essence!"  Erza growled, turning to Natsu and Gray.  They nodded at her.  "Master, we know who took Lucy; it was a guild called Black Essence.  The master of that guild's name is Mastel.  He had Lucy's cure and he destroyed it, so we couldn't bring it back."

"Seems it's not important anymore..."  Gray murmured, anger written on his face as it was on every Fairy Tail guild member.

"We have to save Lucy!"  Natsu yelled.

"Calm down, Natsu."  Makarov replied, looked up at Erza and the rest of the guild.  "We need to get Lucy back and avenge Fairy Tail.  No one gets away with hurting us.  We'll go to their guild, fighting them off."  There was a cheer, and Makarov looked back over to Erza.  "Erza.  I want you, Natsu, Gray, and Wendy to go deeper into the guild and rescue Lucy.  They should be holding her up somewhere inside."

Erza nodded.  "Right."


Lucy opened her eyes for what seemed like forever.

"Ah, so you're awake, Miss Lucy?"  A voice replied.

Lucy opened her eyes completely, and flinched in surprise.  Her ankles were chained together, and her hands were hanging above her in chains that attached her to the wall.  She was sitting on a cold cobblestoned floor, the room empty.  The man in front of her looked like he could be rich, if he wasn't dressed in dark-looking clothes.  

"W-Where am I?"  She barely whispered, feeling empty inside and unable to move.  Her vision blurred for a second, but then recovered back to normal.

"My name is Mastel.  I'm the master of Black Essence."

A Dark Guild?  Lucy thought, remembering she had heard that name somewhere before.  "What...Do you want?"  She murmured, feeling her consciousness slipping.

"Your soul."  Mastel replied.  Lucy widened her eyes in horror, despite the colorless eyes they currently were.  "If we get your soul Miss Heartfilia, we will have a nice bit of power added to our collection."  Mastel stood, and Lucy was barely able to lift her head to look up at him.  "Plus this is to show Fairy Tail that they should stay in the bottom ranks where they belong."  He chuckled, and Lucy felt her consciousness slipping again.  "Soon enough you will be dead, Lucy, and your soul will be ours."

Collection?  Soul Taking?  Lucy thought frantically.  Help, Natsu!  Everyone!


First thing was first, Natsu and the others had to find out where the guild Black Essence was located.  But once they had the location, they all prepared for vengance.  Natsu and his group left first, running out the doors quickly.

"Hang on, Lucy!"  Natsu exclaimed, running in front of everyone else and leading the way.  "We're coming to save you!"  So keep your soul and don't die on us!  Natsu thought, Lucy's keys clutched in his hand like a lifeline.


Lucy had fallen unconscious again, yet this time she had a strange sixth sense; she was still aware of her surroundings as she slept.  When she opened her eyes how many hours later, she felt faded away and light, even though she was still sitting on the cold cell floor.  Her eyes were a foggy black, and by this time she couldn't even move an inch.  It was like she had completely lost control of her body, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Her magic was gone; no trace of it was left in her body as far as she could tell.  She noticed that her keys were gone too, and remembered how she had left them back at the guild.  

I hope they are all alright.  Lucy thought, worried for her keys.

And as time passed, and the more Lucy blacked out, the more memories would start to fade away and then reappear in a flash.  I'm losing my memories!  Lucy thought with fear.  My soul really is fading away!  Lucy felt like she was starting to cry, but even tears wouldn't come out of her eyes.  Natsu!  Everyone!  I-I'm going to...

When Lucy blacked out once more and then awoke, she felt like it had been an eternity since she had been in here.  Faintly, she started to hear footsteps, and jerkily raised her head an inch.  There stood that Mastel man, looking down at her with an approving and sly smile on his face.

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now