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You always found life to be quite boring. It was dull and meaningless, especially for someone like you. High-paying jobs never interested you, you only ever wanted to have fun with life, but this didn't please your parents. They never approved of your life decisions. You got a B in math class? You should have gotten an A. Your friends? Not good enough for you. They always had such high expectations, and nothing you did would ever be good enough. But you had accepted that a long time ago. Your childhood was filled with a long list of rules accompanied by an ass load of judgment. This of course encouraged you to be an obedient kid, but it really took a toll on your happiness. So imagine your parent's faces when you told them you planned to major in creative writing. Shock? Horror? Disgust? It was all of the above, but that didn't stop you.

You ended up getting kicked out and told that if you wanted to go to college you'd have to pay for it yourself. Great, absolutely grand. Luckily, you had a few friends whose couch's you could crash on for a while, but eventually, you'd need a permanent place to stay. Slowly but surely, you gathered enough money from working at a fast-food joint to move in somewhere. Or so you thought. Did the rent in the area increase? Maybe. Probably. Now your only option was to move into a shared apartment. While that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it'd suck if you got stuck with a bunch of people that constantly trashed the place. And then where would you go? Unfortunately, that was just a risk you'd have to take. You were done mooching off your friends, and after weeks of sleeping on a couch, your back wasn't doing too great.

The search for a shared apartment had begun, and you soon found a suitable place. Three women around your age with some extra space. It was a two-bedroom two-bath townhouse that looked very nice. Sure, you'd have to share a room with one of them, but you really couldn't care less. It was perfect. You met up with them at a small, cozy cafe and discussed the house setup and pricing. An agreement was made, and you were all set to move in. The following day you arrived at your new home with only a backpack and made your way to your room. Since you were kicked out, you didn't have much luggage, though that did make moving fairly easy. The townhouse itself was pretty big and colored a light gray and blue. It was cute, and it looked well taken care of.

Stepping into the house, you were immediately greeted by two smiling faces and one with a neutral expression. The two who smiled were Sadie and Emery. Emery was very tall and had shoulder-length brown hair accompanied by bronze skin. She was very kind and very bubbly, overall a fun person to hang out with, well, as long as you don't mind frequent hugs. As for Sadie, she was rather laid back and acted as the level-headed one of the group, she could also be described as what most people would call the mom friend, though she was more of a cool aunt. She had long black hair and pale skin with a smaller frame.

Then there was Jade. She was to be your roommate and was quite anti-social. She definitely preferred to be by herself, but every now and then when she actually wanted the company of friends, she'd come and hang out. Jade was tall and had a light brown pixie cut. She was tan from many hours spent on hikes, and a bit of a rebel. Though, no one in that townhouse ever really followed the rules. After all, digging for answers leads to some trespassing, and perhaps a bit of breaking and entering. As for you, you were also a bit of a mother goose, but less cool than Sadie. You were quite calm, and if the time called for it you could be very mature and serious. Other than that though, you knew how to have a good time, and if there was nothing very important going on you'd laugh at most anything.

Ever since you were a child you had been fascinated by fairy tales, and as you got older that interest morphed into myths and legends. Now come to find it, your new roommates all have the same interests, but they've taken it a step farther. Remember those ghost hunting shows? Well, they had gone down that same path, but they didn't seek to harm these beings, they just wanted to know the truth. You were the same. The supernatural world was such a huge mystery, and you couldn't help but want to know more. And so begins the story of how you joined a group of paranormal investigators and ended up finding something much darker than you ever could have expected.


3.2 pages, 1,112 words

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