Chapter 53

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The silence was awkward between the two Greeks as the Javelin pushed through the sky, for Diana, she could have done this alone but she figured if Troy helped take down Hades the Gods might have him in their debt and leave him alone. For Troy, he honestly didn't want to be in the same room as her but here they were sitting next to each other in the Javelin. The two glanced at each other for a second before looking away, the awkwardness could be cut with a knife.

"So?". The Amazon decided to try.

Unfortunately, she didn't get a reply. Once Troy was in the Darkforce suit he was a completely different person, he was more dark and silent.

"Could you stop that?". She decided to put her foot down.

"Stop what?". He asked, looking at her.

"The whole becoming a different person everytime you wear the suit". She said,"I want to talk to Troy".

She heard him sigh before watching him pull his mask off, she saw his hair fall into his face as they had grown longer for awhile now. He moved a few strands out of his eyes before gesturing her to continue.

"I know things have been weird between us and I'm mostly the cause of it and I'm deeply sorry for that". She said, looking at him with sincere eyes.

"Your eyes are sincere". He said before turning to look out the screen,"I actually forgave you awhile back and realized that it didn't do me any good if I held onto baggage".

Diana turned to him with shocked eyes.

"You forgave me?".

"Yeah". He said before he narrowed his eyes at her,"But don't think for a second that this changes anything. We still have a long way to go before we're cool again".

"I'll gladly wait for that day". She smiled,"Besides, we're both ageless and time doesn't exactly have dominion over us".

Then she heard Troy start to laugh, it was first soft and suppressed but then it became louder and more heartfelt. Diana had no choice but to join in as well and they both laughed for a good minute.

"What's so funny?". She asked.

He just smiled,"Dark humor".

"Oh, Troy. I didn't mean to-"

"Relax, I know you didn't make a joke about my agelessness". He said, relaxing into the seat further.

"Why were the girls in your apartment?". She asked, she knew she was forcing it but she just had to know to sate her curiosity.

"To make me feel better. Because everyone thinks I'm broken from our breakup". He said as his face showed annoyance.

"Spartans don't feel emotional pain". She finished what she knew he was going to say next.

"Exactly". He asked, before he remembered that this trip was going on for too long,"Hey, when do we even get there?".

"We're here". Diana said as the fog was starting to clear up.

Troy leaned forward and looked through the screen in front of him, he saw the last bits of fog clear up to reveal an island in the middle of the ocean.

"Paradise Island, I presume?". He asked.

"Yes". Diana smiled,"Beautiful, isn't it?".

"It's not bad". He said looking around the island,"Oh, there's a waterfall. We know where I'm going after this".

"This isn't a vacation, remember". She said as they started to land,"We're here to stop an Underworld god from destroying my home".

"I know". He said jumping out of his seat,"Let's check the place out".

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