Chapter 40

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It was early morning when the Amazon entered the bedroom and found Troy still asleep, she smiled softly and slowly approached his bedside. He looked so peaceful, probably because of all the drinking he did last night, she didn't like it when he drank but she had to let him have it this time around. She ran her fingers through his hair and heard him moan softly, it was not always that they had moments like these so she tried to make the best of it.

She noticed that his body had healed from the injuries he received, she leaned forward and took a peek at his back and saw that the stab wound had healed completely.

Only a small scar remained.

"When will he finally find peace?". She asked herself quietly.

She grabbed the tv remote that was on the bedstand by his side and turned to switch on the tv, she skipped through the channels  until she stopped by a channel that showed G. Gordon Godfrey badmouthing Troy.

"This is the absolute truth, viewers. Why would a group of gods attack Metropolis out of the blue? Oh, I'll tell you. It's because Darkforce is nothing but a man working with the bad side and now is bringing his troubles to us, think about everything that has happened. And the Justice League are not so innocent either, they prove to innocent and play Good Samaritan but they are not".

Diana glared at the tv before skipping the channel. This time she came to a news report that didn't say anything negative about the Justice League or her fiance.

"In related news, Metropolis is still recovering from the devastating attack it received in less than a day ago by the hands of godly beings. Authorities have decided to start with the clean up operation after the Justice League and Darkforce defeated the threat, as it was stated. In this time, we take the time to thank the Justice League and mostly New York's favourite hero, Darkforce".

Diana smiled a little at that.

Then footage of Metropolis was being shown and Diana felt her heart sink, the city was damaged in major cities but it could take the time to rebuilt and heal itself.

"I wonder how Kal is taking this?". She asked.

"Badly, probably". A voice said behind her,"Mostly because I was one of the godly beings who trashed the poor city".

Diana turned and saw her lover sit up in the bed and stretch for a bit.

"You're awake?". She pondered.

"Been awake since you turned on the tv". He said.

"Oh, then you must have heard what Gordon Godfrey said about you". Diana said feeling a little bad.

"Yeah, I did". Troy said,"But trust me, he isn't the first one to have tried ruining my reputation. Back in my world, there was a newspaper editor called J Jonah Jameson who went to great lengths to ruin my reputation and my friend's".

"Why?". She asked.

"Apparently, he didn't trust guys who wore masks". Troy sighed.

"That's ridiculous". Diana said,"As long as you saved people, it shouldn't have been a problem to him".

Troy just shrugged his shoulders.

Diana heard her comm go off and she tapped the ear piece and answered it.

"Yes?". She asked.

"Diana, we are having a meeting and you and Troy should be present for it". J'onn's voice came.

Diana frowned at that. Before she thought about saying something, a thought hit her and she looked at Troy for a moment.

"Yes, I'll go". She said,"But Troy is staying home, he needs to rest. He's been through a lot".

"Alright. I'll inform the others". J'onn said.

Troy frowned at Diana as he watched her hang up the call.

"I'm fine, Diana. I can attend the meeting".

"No, you are not". Diana said,"I want you to take a break from all this for awhile. And no arguments".

Troy relaxed in the bed,"Fine. But I won't like it".

She smiled at him,"I wouldn't expect you to".

She reached down and gave him a warm kiss to which he returned with much affection, he pulled her down and deepened the kiss and it made her moan deeply. He rolled them over on the bed and continued kissing her as he was on top of her, she squirmed a little and immediately broke the kiss.

"Dear, as much as I want to continue this, I have to go to that meeting". She smiled up at him.

She still couldn't explain how Troy was able to dominate and domesticate her like this. She was an Amazon and Amazons were strong and independent but here she was lying underneath him at his mercy.

"What if I don't let you go?". He asked.

"Oh, do you want to see who's superhuman strength is superior?". She asked teasingly.

"Maybe". He said,"You're welcome to push me off".

Diana smiled before exerting her strength against him but was immediately surprised when she saw that he hadn't budged. He smirked down at her.

"What?". She asked confused.

"Told you". He said continuing to smirk.

She tried again but he didn't move again.

"Okay, how are you doing this?". She asked.

"Centre of gravity". He told her before leaning in for another kiss.

Before his lips could connect with hers, he felt himself get kicked away and then crash against the wall. He groaned a little before looking up and seeing her smile at him with a mischievous expression.

"How's that for superhuman strength?". She asked.

"Okay, it was fine". He said,"But next time, I won't make it that easy".

"I'm sure". She said as she got up from the bed.

"So who's gonna be at the meeting?". Troy asked.

"Us, the Teen Titans and the Outsiders". Diana responded.

"Why are the kids attending the meeting?". Troy asked confused.

"Apparently, it's a meeting that concerns all superheroes". She said.

"Great, now thanks to you I'm gonna miss it". He said rolling his shoulders as he felt a cramp.

Diana walked up and placed her hands on his shoulders and looked up at him, she was always content with how much he was taller than her. Sure, Superman is tall and so is Batman but there was something about Troy that turned her on.

"You just had a traumatic fight twenty four hours ago, honey. I'm trying to give you time to heal, you need to understand this, please?". She said.

"I'll understand after you kiss me again". He said.

She corked an eyebrow with a smile at this,"You never give up, do you?".

"I always get what I want". He said.

She smiled before leaning in and landing a small kiss to his lips but before she could pull away, she felt his arms wrap around her and pull her further into the kiss. She tried to resist but eventually closed her eyes and returned it with restraint hunger, she ran her fingers through his hair and deepened the kiss further.

Troy pulled away after awhile and smiled down at her.

"You seemed to enjoy that".

"Curse you and your magical lips". Diana said,"I'll see you later, Troy. Bye".

"Don't get hit by a plane on your way there". He said.

He heard her laugh as she flew out of the window.

"Yeah, right".


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