Chapter 22

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The day in New York City was bright and sunny but the mood was somber amongst the crowd that gathered at Darkforce's funeral, he was to be placed in a chamber below his statue. Many people cried as he was carried to his final resting place, Lois cried in Jimmy's arms and he took the time to console her. Many of the important people gave speeches, after that there was silence and the mayor of New York stepped up to the podium with the final stage of the ceremony at hand.

"Darkforce inspired many of us to be heroes of our own. He was the shining symbol that inspired hope everywhere, now I understand why he named himself Darkforce. He was force not to be reckoned with". The mayor said.

There were a few sobs here and there in the crowd.

"Now it is time for the handoff ceremony". The mayor said.

A navy soldier held the old suit of Darkforce in his hands and it was fixed, it was neatly folded and the soldier headed toward the Justice League. He outstretched his arms and Superman was about to take it when he saw Wonder Woman reach out and take it, he decided to let her take that moment. The soldier gave a salute and the Amazon returned the gesture, he turned and marched away. Wonder Woman resisted the urge to hug the suit against her chest and inhale his scent, she was still in the denial stage.

"For Darkforce, forever in our hearts". The mayor said.

Everyone got to their feet and stood in silence. Green Lantern floated into the air and used his ring to light the hearth that was in front of the statue.

Later that night

The night was quiet and the statue of Darkforce stood tall and proud, then a feminine ghostly figure appeared and slowly made its way to the statue. It stopped when it saw the chamber doors closed, it reached out its hand and used its telekinetic energy to rip the doors open. The doors ripped open and they flew off their hinges, then the figure walked ahead to enter the chamber.

"Soon to rectify this mistake". The ghostly figure said.


Clark sat at his desk and looked at the screen of the laptop, he was in no mood to do any work. He and Lois were staying at an hotel for the night. Then he saw Lois approach his desk, he slightly perked up at seeing her.

"Coffee?". She asked, holding out a caffeine cup for him.

He took it from her and took a small sip,"Thanks, Lois". She looked at him and saw how detached he was from himself.

"What's wrong?". She asked.

"Still can't believe he's really gone". Clark said, looking out the window.

"I know. It was really big blow to us all". She said, looking down.

"I can't help but feel that this all happened because of me. If I had just healed quicker, I would have helped him and prevented his death". He said.

Lois sat next to him and put her arm around him,"It's not your fault, Clark. Please, just let it go. He saved all of us, don't let his death be in vain. Okay?".

He gave her a small smile,"Okay".

She gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then her phone started to ring, she pulled it out and saw that it was Jimmy calling. She answered.

"Hi, Jimmy". Lois said.

"Lois! You and Clark gotta come to the Darkforce memorial compound". Jimmy's voice said through the phone.

"Jimmy, we're not in the mood to chase a story right now". Lois sighed.

"You will be. Once you hear that Darkforce's body has disappeared". Jimmy said.

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