Chapter 10

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Troy walked through the halls of the Watchtower, he needed to do something that has been on his mind since the day he met Diana. He saw her exit the cafeteria room, he walked up to her and prepared himself.

"Hey, Diana". Troy said, as she turned to face him.

"Hey Troy". Diana said, looking a bit annoyed.

"You got a sec?". He asked.

She smiled and nodded.

"Look, I have to.......tell you something". He said.

"Okay. Go ahead". She smiled.

Her smile made it even harder to do this.

"I like you. Not just as in like but in a way that's romantic and all that stuff, I was hoping maybe we could try to get to know each other better and give a relationship a chance".

Diana's smile died down and Troy's hope died along with it, he knew he was not going to get a good response.

"Troy, I'm sorry but I don't feel that way about you, I only see you as a friend. There's also someone else in my life". Diana said.

"Oh, I see. Well, good luck on your endeavors with Bruce. I hope he doesn't love his work more than you". Troy said.

"Troy". Diana said.

"Troy!". Cyborg's voice called out.

Troy turned to face him.

"There's a robbery in New York. I thought maybe you'd like this". Cyborg said.

"Good. Because I feel like blowing off some steam right now". Troy said, walking away.

"Troy, please". Diana's voice called.

J'onn then stopped Troy as he past him.

"If you want to talk, you know where to find me". J'onn said, letting his shoulder go.

Troy looked at him and slowly nodded his head. He then headed for one of the teleporters that were nearby.


Darkforce dodged the barrage of bullets that came his way, he fired his chains and pulled the thug toward him and punched him into a car. This was the last thug that he took down, he looked around and knew there was one more thug in the bank. He started walking toward the bank and ignored the civilians taking pics of him.

He entered the bank and saw the thug crouched down and checking the pulse of a dead security guard, Darkforce figured that this guy was the leader of the group.

"I took your little friends down outside and here you are, checking the pulse of a dead security guard that you killed". Darkforce said, approaching the guy.

The guy stood up and turned to face Darkforce with a mask on, something was off about him.

"His death was not intentional. I don't like shedding blood but I do it only if it is necessary". The guy said.

"What was the point of this crime if you knew you were gonna be beat?". Darkforce asked.

"To lure you out". The guy said.

Darkforce's senses kicked in. They were going haywire and he didn't know why.

"To lure me out? For what purpose?". The dark spartan asked.

"To have my revenge for what you did to me!". The guy said.

The dark spartan's divine sense was going crazy at this point and was causing him a headache.

"What did I do to you?". Darkforce asked.

"You let Hades take me away!!!". The guy said.

Darkforce's eyes widened at that moment. The only person he lost to Hades was someone who was younger than him.

"Atreus?". He called out.

Then a purple beam of energy hit him, he flew out of the bank and crashed into a car that was driving by. The woman in the car screamed and ran out, Darkforce groaned and fell forward. Atreus came walking out of the bank surrounded by black and purple shadows, he held a staff that emitted purple energy.

"It seems you lost your original powers, brother". Atreus mocked.

"I got rid of them a long time ago". Darkforce said, getting up.

Atreus approached and kicked Darkforce sending flying into the same car again, Atreus punched him a few times and beat him to the ground with his staff.

"How are you alive?". Darkforce asked, struggling to get to his feet.

"I have Chaos to thank for that. She saved me from the Underworld and when you defeated Hades I acquired his powers. After a millennia, Chaos brought me to this world to lead a normal life but when she told me that she brought you here I was excited to see you suffer at my hands".

"So bringing me here was all part of her plan. She didn't want to help me at all". Darkforce said.

Atreus hit Darkforce and sent him flying and skidding down the street, Atreus approached him and saw him get up again.

"I used Hades' power to revive my family back to life. But it was useless, their souls were long gone and forgotten. I knew that someone had to pay for this". Atreus said, facing Darkforce.

"You can't blame me for everything that happened, Atreus. They were my family too, you can't do this. Revenge will only bring you more pain, trust me. I know". Darkforce said.

"Enough! I will kill you for this!". Atreus said, charging forward.

Darkforce dodged the first punch and blocked the second blow but then he felt a kick which made him stagger. He saw Atreus lunge forward, he dodged a kick and punched him across the jaw. Atreus staggered back and got punched in the abdomen and again in the face, he fell back but made a back flip and stood on his feet again.

"You've improved, brother. Last I remember you were too terrified to touch a sword". Darkforce said, smiling under his mask.

"Reminiscing will get you nowhere, brother". Atreus said, lunging forward.

Darkforce blocked his punches and evaded a kick and then threw a punch himself, Atreus caught his arm and flipped him over and Darkforce landed hard which made the asphalt crack. Atreus tried to stomp Darkforce's face but the dark spartan caught his foot and pushed him back, he made a flip from the ground and fired a kick Atreus' way but the last spartan easily evaded the kick and punched Darkforce across the face and landed another after another again.

Darkforce fell back and tried to get up but Atreus hit him across the face with his staff, he sat on his brother and placed his staff horizontally under his chin and pulled back into submission move. Darkforce grunted in pain.

"Had enough yet?". Atreus asked.

Darkforce growled and slid out of the submission hold and kicked his brother into the air, he fired his chains at him while he was in midair. The chains wrapped around Atreus' ankle then Darkforce pulled and swung him into a building, Atreus crashed into the building and took down most of the front wall of the building with him. Darkforce watched the dust settle and also to catch his breath.

He ran up and jumped through the hole that Atreus created, he looked around and saw that his brother was already gone.

"Dammit!". Darkforce cursed.

He pulled off his mask and ran his fingers through his hair, he was out of sight from the civilians so it was safe to take the mask off.

This was a whole lot of weird for him. Everytime he resolved a problem, another always arose. But this time it was his long lost brother, his only family.


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