Chapter 31

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Zeus stood on the mountain and watched his son approach him with deadly intention.

"What will you do, Father?". Troy said as he approached the god,"You can no longer hide behind the skirts of Athena".

"Athena is dead because of the rage that consumes you, Asideus". Zeus said,"What more will you destroy?".

Troy looked at Zeus with a calm face,"The hands of death could not defeat me. The Sisters of Fate could not hold me. And you will not see the end of this day. I will have my revenge!". Then he pulled out the Blades of Chaos and stood ready for a fight.


Troy opened his eyes and quickly sat up in his bed. He looked around and realized that he was in his apartment, he released a small sigh of relief and lay back down. As he looked up at the ceiling, the burning sensation returned to both his arms and he clenched his hands into fists to endure the pain of it.

"What's wrong with me?". He pondered,"I haven't had these dreams in a while. Why are they only returning at this specific point?".

He closed his eyes and thought back to his dream about Zeus, it was also their last confrontation before he finally ended him. He remembered how Zeus referred to him as Asideus, it was his birth name but the gods later changed it to Troy, the destroyer of Olympus. Asideus was the name that he had long forgotten, only the name Troy lived through the centuries.

"Hades just didn't steal energy from me, he stole the very essence of each god that I had murdered". Troy said.

Then he thought back to what Hades said to him after he took the essence from him.

"Be ready to meet old friends of yours, spartan".

Troy scowled at the realization,"So, that fool wants to resurrect my old enemies. But he would need a lot of power for that, especially when resurrecting powerful dead gods".


Hades paced back and forth in front of the hearth with a smile on his face, the plan that he had put forth was working. He smiled at this as a large arm was being formed from the flames of the hearth, he watched as the arm was slowly turning to flesh and continuing to form the rest of the body.

"How long does the process usually take?". Ares asked as he appeared.

"Patience, Ares". Hades said,"Each god requires time to fully form, each essence is different and it takes time for the god to resurrect, plus regain all his memories and his full powers".

"How do we know that these counterparts will help us?". Ares asked,"From what I see, I feel that they are more dangerous than we are".

Hades didn't reply.


Troy was on a building that morning, he paced around and was deep in thought.

"Chaos!". He called out.

At first, nothing happened. Then a large space opened up in front of him and out stepped Chaos in her space form.

"You called, spartan?". She said.

"I need your help". He said.

"And what help would that be?". She asked as she floated around him.

"When I first died at the hands of Doomsday, you were able to transport the Isle of Pantheons from my world to this world, right?". He asked.

Chaos looked confused but nodded her head nonetheless.

"Yes, I could transport it here because it is a material possession and not a human essence". Chaos said,"That's why I cannot return you back to your own world".

"What else can you bring to this world?". Troy asked.

"I can bring anything that is material". Chaos smiled.

Troy didn't like what he was going to ask next, so he released a breath.

"What about weapons? Can you bring weapons to this world?". He asked.

"Troy, I do not like where this is going". Chaos said honestly as her smile faded.

Troy sagged in guilt,"Me neither. But it has to be done".

Chaos nodded,"Very well".


Diana was sitting in the Watchtower's lounge with Atreus, it was rare times like these where they had time to sit down and talk.

"Thank you for seeing me, Atreus". Diana said,"I can't remember the last time we had a chance to catch up". She put the tray that held their coffee on the table and sat on the couch next to him.

Atreus smiled,"Hey, anything for my soon to be sister in law".

Diana smiled a little,"Yes. About that...".

Atreus sighed,"Please don't tell me....".

"No, no, no. We're not stopping the wedding". Diana said,"We're just postponing it".

"Postponing it? Oh, is it because of what's been going on these days". Atreus asked,"Hades attacking Troy and stealing energy from him".

"Yes. Plus, Troy is in a bad space right now". Diana said.

"Yeah, I guess he feels too". Atreus said.

Diana looked confused and stared at her future brother in law.

"Feel what?".

"After you told me that Troy was attacked, I started feeling a sense of foreboding, as if something bad is going to happen". Atreus said,"I guess Troy feels it too".

"What could be happening, Atreus?". Diana asked,"What are you and Troy hiding from us, from me?".

Atreus closed his eyes and lowered his head,"Let's just say that our past is coming for us and something big is coming".

Diana didn't like that answer. What was going on? What were the two brothers hiding from the League and her? Were they trying to fight an enemy on their own?

"Anyway, when all this passes. I'm sure the two of you will have a great wedding". He smiled.

Diana put on a smile,"Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for".

Diana didn't like it when people kept secrets from her, especially if it concerned the lives of others. She was going to find out what it was that her boyfriend was hiding from her, this was basically killing her and she knew that she couldn't tell the rest of the League without any evidence.

And what was it with Atreus and Troy, saying that their past would be coming for them?

And why are Hades and Ares at the centre of it all?


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