Chapter 59

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The Watchtower was swarming with heroes that day, not much was going on down below on the streets so most of them came to just relax and enjoy each other's company. Darkforce was walking through the halls in a brand new suit, it was so black that it looked like the absence of light and had royal blue outlines on the sides of his rib area and thigh area. Heroes greeted him as he walked past them, he was respected by all and he respected them as well.

"Looking good, Troy". Fire said in her Brazilian accent as she walked past him.

"Thanks, Beatriz". He smiled underneath his mask as he continued walking.

As he walked into the lobby, he noticed Zatanna, Batgirl and some guy who was standing between them. Zatanna immediately noticed him and smiled as she ran up to him.

"Troy, you're back!". She exclaimed as she hugged him.

"It's good to see you too, Zee". He smiled as he hugged back.

They let each other go and approached the other two.

"Whoa, cool looking suit". Batgirl said as Troy stood in front of them.

"I know, right". He said showing off the material,"I kinda designed it and made it".

"Troy, huh?". The guy spoke up,"So, you're the legendary Darkforce that everyone was talking about?".

Darkforce's eyes glanced at the guy and carefully studied him. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, he wore a white shirt and a black tie and a brown coat and black pants with black shoes.

"Constantine, I presume?". The dark hero took a guess.

"Right on the money, mate". Constantine said.

"Zatanna told me a lot about you". Darkforce said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Good things I hope". The magician said before pulling out a cigarette and a lighter.

"She says you're incredibly powerful". The dark hero replied.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far". Constantine said as he tried to light his cigarette,"Blokes like me do whatever it takes to survive".

He finally lit up the lighter and as he was trying to light his cigarette, the flame from the lighter bend to the side in Darkforce's direction. Batgirl and Zatanna watched with stunned faces and Constantine just raised his eyebrow at this, he quickly put his cigarette away and put out the lighter.

"That was weird". John said as he gave Darkforce a look.

"Uh-huh". The dark hero replied before walking away from them.

"And this is the guy that killed that Doomsday monster?". Constantine asked the girls.

"Trust me, Constantine". Batgirl smiled,"Once you know about his past, you wouldn't try to mess with him".

"He has a very impressive kill rate". Zatanna said with a solemn look on her face,"Beings that were thought impossible to kill were wiped from existence by him alone".

"Now I'm interested". Constantine said as he stared after the departing form of the dark hero.


The dark hero was in deep thought as he walked toward the meeting room, his mind was filled with many questions and he didn't know how to find any answers. That encounter with Celeste in his dreams spooked him, was she going to haunt him from now on for the rest of his life? He had no answer. Why was she only appearing now? Still he didn't have an answer.

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