Chapter 71

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The night was pleasant in New York, the evening lights that shined the sidewalks were reassuring and there many people around. The silence was easily interrupted by the sound of cars screeching down the road, honking of horns and the sound of car alarms going off. The civilians didn't understand what was going on until they saw Harley Quinn speeding down the streets and screaming for people to get out of the way, a second later an orange blur blitzed past them and chased after the clown jester.

As the orange blur disappeared, a dark figure swinged over the people startling them all in the process. The figure also took off in the direction of Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn ran into the streets and was almost hit by a car but she pressed her hands onto the hood of the vehicle before jumping over it, claw marks suddenly appeared on the hood of the car where she was a second ago and a growl followed. The clown jester ran down the traffic jam, she looked behind her and saw the orange blur zooming closer toward her.

She jumped down and ducked in time to avoid a claw swipe, the orange blur landed on the back bed of a pickup truck and smashed her arm through the window. The driver looked behind him with a pissed off expression on his face and looked through the broken window.

"Hey, what are you doing?!". He demanded from the orange figure.

The orange figure turned and faced him with a growl that immediately made him go pale in his face, he stared at the creature and saw the orange fur covering their body with black spots all over, a tail swished from side to side.

"My bad, sorry about that". The guy said before turning back to face the road again with fear etched on his face.

Cheetah then focused her attention back to the clown jester, who was already making her way through the traffic jam, she jumped onto the roof of a car and chased her across the roofs of the vehicles that were in the traffic jam.

"Run, little jester. Run". Cheetah urged silently as she saw her getting closer.

She jumped into the air with claws exposed and soared toward the jester, Harley Quinn stopped and rolled to the side but not before getting her back sliced. She screamed in pain and landed on her side, Cheetah landed a few inches from her and lifted her up by her throat.

"Why are you after me, litter box freak?!". Harley yelled.

"Joker sends his condolences". Cheetah smirked before raising her clawed hand.

Chains wrapped around Cheetah's arm and she was pulled away making her lose her grip on the jester, Harley Quinn fell on the ground and coughed trying to get air back into her lungs. Cheetah snarled before facing the newcomer who was casually sitting on the roof of a car.

"Darkforce". She hissed.

"Hi, Minerva". The dark hero greeted giving a small wave.

"This does not concern you, dark hero". Cheetah snapped,"Go back to your little Amazon".

"Seriously, Minerva? Taking orders from Joker is definitely not your style".

"I merely only agreed to kill her because I enjoy a really good hunt". She said her irises glinting slightly.

The dark hero's divine sense kicked in and he quickly backflipped away, he landed on his feet and saw the feline standing at the place where he was a second ago with a clawed hand out. She jumped toward him but he rolled out of the way before firing his chains at her, she slided underneath them before dashing in with multiple swipes.

Darkforce evaded her attacks before punching her across the jaw and she crashed against a car causing a dent in it, much to driver's dismay. She blitzed toward him before slashing at him, he avoided her slices but she landed a kick in his mid section and he smashed into a SUV making it cave in. The driver screamed in despair at the desecration. Darkforce jumped at her and they bumped into multiple cars as they tussle.

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