Chapter 78

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The city of New York was on fire, it had become the literal definition of hell on Earth. The death of many was prominent as they were trying to evacuate, paradooms and parademon were killing anything that moved and members of the League who were on Earth were having a hard time, even with help from the villains.

"Nightwing! Look out!". Batgirl yelled as she tackled the acrobat out of the way of an oncoming debris.

The young acrobat looked up at the girl clad in bat gear and smiled.

"Thanks, Barb".

"Can we please stop with me saving you everytime? I can't constantly worry about you". Batgirl said helping him up.

Before she could say anything else, he pushed her out of the way before evading a parademon and throwing a shuriken grenade at it. The parademon perished on impact, the former Robin turned to look at the girl behind him.

"Now we're even". Nightwing smirked at her.

Batgirl smiled before shaking her head.

Big Barda was knocked down by paradooms and parademons, she easily slipped through them and started to kill each of them but the paradooms were able to overpower her. Mera landed on the head of one before stabbing it in the head with her trident, she jumped down and threw its body into another group of paradooms.

"It seems Troy got through for us". Zatanna said as she looked up at the sky,"The Boomtubes are closed".

"Now, we just gotta hold off these shitheads". Constantine added.

Supergirl floated down to the level of the members before looking up and seeing Artemis standing a few feet away. The redheaded Amazon stared ahead at the carnage in front of her, she hoped that Yin was safe for the sake of Troy because she knew that he would lose it if anything happened to her.


The Amazon turned to see the young Kryptonian girl approach her.

"Something is not right". Artemis said turning to watch the horizon again.

"What makes you say that?". Supergirl asked.

Before the Amazon could reply, a huge Boomtubes opened up in the sky above everyone. They all looked up and saw sparks of electrical energy flowing around it, then a bright red beam of energy blasted out.

"What was that?". Green Arrow asked.

"Something not good". Green Lantern said.

Just then, Superman and the rest of the main Leaguers fell out of the Boomtube. The dark hero landed right behind them and stared toward the portal.

"You're back!". Supergirl said flying toward her cousin and hugging him.

"Its so good to see you again". Superman said.

"What the hell happened?". Shazam asked Batman.

"That". Batman responded, gesturing toward the portal.

A nine foot Darkseid stepped out of the portal and stared them all down, all the League members got ready for the biggest fight of their lives.

"Insects". Darkseid's voice boomed.

Darkforce stood up to his full height and stared at the Lord of Apokolips, there was a lot of tension as they stared at each other.

"Your world is mine". The New God said.

"You've said that many times before and like now, we will stop you". Superman replied.

"You have been a thorn in my side for far too  long, Kryptonian". The Lord of Apokolips said,"Your death is long overdue".

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