Chapter 92

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Zeus stood at the edge of a crater that had boiling hot lava on the inside, the heat was intense and unbearable. They were on the volcano, Kilauea in Hawaii and were looking down into the pit crater of Halemaʻumaʻu. It was located on the summit of Kilauea.

Ares watched the boiling lava and stood close to his father.

"So, she is in there?". Ares asked.

"Yes. She's been peacefully asleep for over 600 years and we gods decided to keep it that way. She's highly dangerous and one of the few gods who came close to killing the Spartan". Zeus explained.

"What makes her so special?". Ares asked.

"She has the exact same problem he has. Pure unbridled rage. She is the goddess of fire, volcanoes, thunderstorms and violence. The Spartan and her have their rage and power in common and for that they hate each other". Zeus said with a smile forming.

"So, you want to awaken her so that she fights the spartan and hope she kills him?". Ares asked.

"Yes. Although, she has almost accomplished it once before".

They both looked down into the lava and saw the molten fire move around, it was dangerous being on the edge of it.

"How do we wake her up?". Ares asked.

"With this".

Zeus pulled out a glowing molten heart shaped rock and held it up.

"Is that her...?".

"Yes. It is her mortal heart". Zeus said.

"How did you get it? As far as I'm concerned, her sister hid the heart from her making it impossible for her to leave the islands".

"Yes. I struck a deal with her sister and that's all you need to know". Zeus stated.

"How do we know this girl will kill the spartan?". Ares asked.

"Careful, Ares. She may be asleep but she can still hear you, I'd show more respect to her if I were you because she is far more older than you are. And yes, she will kill the spartan and get him out of our way unless there are distractions".

Zeus walked closer to the edge and threw the heart into the pit and watched it slowly sink into the lava.

"And now, we wait and see". Zeus said before flashing away.

Ares watched the crater for a minute before flashing away as well.

If they had stayed a second longer, they would have heard the bellowing coming from underneath the lava and felt the ground shaking. Plus, the giant molten hand that came out of the crater and gripped the edge of the pit.


Troy watched his two girlfriends glaring at him. He did not know what was going on, he had come back home after helping Bruce with a criminal situation only to return and find his girls glaring at him.

"Uh, hi". He said with a smile.

The glares intensified.

"Is something wrong?". He asked.

"You knew we were pregnant yet you didn't say anything". Yin said getting straight to the point.

Troy's eyes widened. Then they narrowed, he figured Diana must have said something. He was gonna kill her for this.

"Why did I have to exactly?". He asked with a cool smile. He wanted to play off their angry looks."I wanted you two to find the surprise yourself".

"Troy, when I constantly felt sick I thought I was dying or something". Yin said,"I thought I was gonna die. Maybe it would have been great if you said something then".

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