Chapter 1

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Lightning flashed and the night was dark and eerie with dark heavy rain clouds. A city in the midst of the weather looked like a wasteland and abandoned memories. Up on a high skyscraper, appeared a dark figure and he seemed to be limping.

He collapsed to his knees while holding his side. This was Darkforce, a powerful superhero but he did not look powerful at this moment. His suit was in tatters and he had many injuries and blood was visible everywhere, his mask was torn and exposed a small fraction of his face.

They had finally done it. Doctor Doom, Galactus and Thanos finally defeated the Avengers by working together. And by defeat, they eliminated everyone and Darkforce was the only one left to stop them. And he did stop them, alone. He sent Galactus back to the confines of space using an invention Reed Richards made, he sent Doom back to Latveria, powerless and defeated. Finally, he killed Thanos before he used the Infinity Stones on him.

But even though he defeated them and was thanked for his efforts, the damage was already done. The Avengers and all the others were gone, wiped out and he was the only one left. They were all gone Peter, Laura, Tony, Cap, Natasha, Jennifer(She Hulk) and everyone else.

Darkforce got up and walked to the edge of the building and looked down below, he saw nothing but chaos. Thugs took the opportunity to steal, others were killing each other. There was no way New York would recover from this or the whole world for that matter.

He only had one option left.

"There is no hope". He said, before throwing himself off the skyscraper.

As he sailed downward he closed his eyes and waited for death to finally claim him, something he has tried to do for a thousand years now. As he neared the ground, he then felt something push up against him and slowing him down. He opened his eyes and saw nothing but being raised up into the air again.

"No, just let me die". He silently pleaded.

Then something made him blackout, he sank into the arms of unconsciousness.

"It's not your time yet".


Darkforce came to after some time, he opened his eyes but saw nothing. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything, plus he felt himself floating.

"Where am I?". He asked.

"You are an amazing specimen, Troy". A female voice rang out from out of nowhere.

It took a moment for him to register the voice since he was still disoriented.

"Who are you and how do you know me?". He asked.

"How I know you is not important. But to answer your first question, I am Chaos". The voice said.

"Chaos? The creator of the universe?". Darkforce inquired.

"Yes, that's the one". The voice said.

"Why did you save me? You could have just left me to die". He said.

"I have watched you for a millennia, Troy. Your struggle against the gods was admirable but I saw even more potential in you. You do not die easily". As a female shape appeared, seeming to be made out of space itself.

"What do you mean I cannot die easily?". He asked.

"I cannot tell you that. You have to find the answer yourself". The female shape said, wiggling her index finger from side to side.

"What do you want from me?". He asked.

"Nothing. Simply just to give you a second chance". She said, floating around him.

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