Chapter 93

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Troy watched the remnant remains of his beloved city from a distance, he left Gotham a few days ago after the confrontation with Pele, the Polynesian Goddess. He knew staying there any longer would just make any other God come after him, he didn't want people getting hurt weigh on his consciousness. Artemis and Yin were upset that he was leaving but he he reassured them that everything would be alright.

As he sat and watched the moonlit waters from one of the piers, he heard a splash of water behind him.

"There you are". A voice said.

"Hey, Mera. What's up?". He breathed deeply.

The Atlantean walked up and stood next to him, Troy shot her a glance and noticed how her green armor was more spiky around the forearms and shins and he noticed the trident that she was carrying.

"I see your outfit changed a bit". He smiled.

"After I took over as Queen, it was natural for me to take a more authoritative look". Mera explained watching the waves as well,"I can't thank you enough for convincing me to take over after Arthur's death".

Troy slowly got to his feet and turned to face her. She was a few inches shorter than him and she had to look up at him.

"You never have to thank me, Mera". Troy said placing a hand on her shoulder,"You did this for yourself and I'm sure Arthur would be proud of you for this decision".

Mera nodded before hugging him, Troy was a bit surprised but decided to hug back anyway.

"I don't usually mind a hug but your armor is a bit spiky". He said.

"Oh. Sorry". She smiled as she quickly released him.

They watched the waves again before Mera stared in the direction of the destroyed city of New York, she sighed as she watched it.

"You miss it, don't you?". She asked.

Troy turned and followed her gaze.

"Yeah. Still don't know if they're planning on rebuilding it or not". He said.

"Why don't you rebuilt it?". Mera asked looking at him.

"Me?". Troy laughed before looking at the city,"Sorry, but I don't have any ownership of the land that the city was build on. I don't even have jurisdiction in it, yet I still saved lives".

"The government of this world aren't doing anything about it. It shouldn't bother them if you have anything to do about it". Mera pointed out,"Its your city".

"True. But I don't want to get involved in politics". Troy sighed,"That's not my place".

"None of this would have happened if Diana hadn't opened her mouth". Mera snapped,"You let her walk all over you like you were a piece of trash".

"Diana has no business in my life anymore and I intend to keep it that way". Troy said with a serious expression,"Once my kids are born, I'm taking Yin and Artemis away from all this superhero madness".

Mera gave out a small laugh.

"You planning on retiring?".

"Yes. Something I should have done about a millenia ago". He answered,"But you can't walk away from the fight that easily, especially when you're raised from birth to be a killing machine".

"The glory of Sparta, right?". She said with a smirk.

"Something like that". Troy shrugged.

"I'm going to miss you, Troy". She said still watching the waves.

"Me too, Mera". He said with a smile,"But I have no problem with old friends visiting me".

Mera looked at him.

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