Chapter 20

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People all across the world watched in shock and terror as Darkforce traded blows with Doomsday, they had been fighting for many hours now and neither was giving up. People were shocked to see Darkforce stand against something that even the Justice League couldn't stand against.

"The time is 23:30. The two are still battling and this has been one of the most longest and hardest battles I've ever seen. Until now, we don't know who will be the victor". Lois said, as the carnage raged behind her.

"Lois, look out!!". Jimmy yelled, pulling her out of the way which made her scream.

Just then Darkforce landed on his back at the spot where Lois just stood, he got up and breathed heavily. Jimmy pointed his camera at the dark hero, he didn't want to miss this opportunity to get a close up shot of Darkforce. Lois looked at Darkforce and saw that his suit was getting even more torn and his injuries were becoming more and more. She watched him lunge back into battle.

Darkforce was at this point in his Spartan Rage, which made him forget his physical pain and he was more stronger at this point. He landed a blow on Doomsday and the monster landed a blow on the dark hero, they both staggered back when their blows landed on them. They both stood and looked at each other with rage, they both breathed heavily as fatigue started to kick in.

They then lunged at each other, they collided with punches. Doomsday and Darkforce stood firm as their fists collided, a huge shockwave burst out and shattered windows in buildings. Lois screamed when pieces of the windows glass came raining down on them.The ground started cracking around Doomsday and Darkforce and their feet were sinking into the ground, they growled at each other in rage. They both then kicked each other, sending them both flying. Darkforce crashed into a car and Doomsday crashed into a building, a powerful breeze picked up after they landed blows on each other.

Darkforce got up from the car and collapsed onto his knees, he vomited up a lot of blood and he coughed at the end when he was done. He looked up and saw Doomsday come out of the building, then the monster roared and jumped toward him but Darkforce rolled out of the way when the monster landed. The dark spartan fired a chain and it wrapped around the monster's throat, the dark hero yanked on the chain and threw the monster over him and onto a car. Darkforce approached the monster but then evaded a kick from it, then he felt a hand grab him by the throat. He looked at the monster in its red eyes and it growled.

Doomsday's bony spike that was around his hand grew longer until it was sharp, the monster tried to stab the dark hero but Darkforce stopped the spike with his left hand before it could stab him. Darkforce felt his hand bleed when he held the spike at bay away from his head, he saw the blood trickle down his forearm. He frowned and let go of the spike and then hit his forearm against the spike, causing it to shatter into pieces and he felt a few pieces slice his face. Then he punched Doomsday who let him go immediately, the dark hero grabbed some of the larger shards from mid air and hurled them back at the monster.

Doomsday roared in pain when he felt his spikes pierce into his flesh, the monster pulled them out of his body and roared at the dark hero. Darkforce lunged at the monster and speared him in the abdomen, they went flying when Darkforce collided with him that hard. They crashed into a building that was made entirely from glass, the whole building started falling apart and there was a loud boom as the dust and rubble cleared.

Darkforce dodged a punch from Doomsday and sent out a spinning back, the monster stumbled back but then lunged and punched Darkforce in the face and released a powerful punch into the torso of the dark hero, Darkforce crashed against a giant concrete wall that then fell over and landed on him. He dug out from underneath the rubble and lay still, he was completely out of energy. Doomsday was about to land the finishing blow when a rock hit his face, the monster turned to look at Lois holding another rock. Doomsday growled and headed for her, he made another bony spike extend into a blade.

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