Chapter 33

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A few days have passed and the gods have been causing chaos throughout the major cities of the country and Poseidon attacked Atlantis and took it for himself, the Justice League went to take them down but they were all defeated because Zeus showed up with the Blade of Olympus. Darkforce was still able to stand toe to toe with all his previous enemies but the same could not be said for the League, most of them were beaten in so many ways that they sustained serious injuries and wounds.

They retreated after that. They decided to call in more members after others couldn't recover from their injuries. Diana was seriously infuriated with Troy for not telling her and the League that his enemies were back, the others were more understanding about why he kept it a secret.

Atreus also decided to come help after the League's first failure to take down the gods. All superheroes gathered in the main room of the Watchtower and they all watched footage of cities being attacked by the gods.

"The attacks are getting worse". Superman said,"The more we sit around and do nothing, the gods will eventually destroy the entire country".

"The blade that Zeus wields seems to be possessing a lot of energy". Batman said,"If we could get it away from him, we might have a chance of stopping them".

"Its called the Blade of Olympus". Darkforce said from a corner.

All the other heroes turned and focused their attention on the spartan.

"My gods don't have a weapon like that". Wonder Woman said,"So, it was foreign for me to see it in Zeus' hands".

"Zeus, my father forged the blade from the heavens and the earth and it was used during the Great War to defeat the Titans". Darkforce said.

"Have you used it before?". J'onn asked.

"Yes, many times". Darkforce said,"I have wielded it and used it to destroy my enemies".

"How do we stop it?". John Stewart asked.

"Like Batman said, get it away from Zeus". Darkforce said.

"Easier said than done". Hal said,"Have you seen those gods, they could have killed all of us. Not to mention those Furies, they are even more scarier than Darkseid's furies".

Zatanna stepped up,"Hal is right. The Furies use of illusions is even too difficult for me to take down. They are more powerful than I imagined".

"How do we beat all of them then?". Mari asked, as she touched her left arm that was in a cast.

"You don't". Darkforce said,"I will take care of them".

The heroes all looked at him as if he was crazy.

"You can't". Superman said.

"I did it before". Darkforce said,"I fought many of them before and most of the time, I was outnumbered".

"You can't fight them all". Wonder Woman said,"We work as a team and that means we will be there to help you".

Darkforce scowled,"No! This is my war, not yours!".

They were all surprised to see him get so angry.

"Troy, don't miss the bigger picture here". Superman said,"Lives are at stake. We have to work together if we want to end this".

"Look around you, Clark!". Darkforce exclaimed,"Just one encounter with the gods and most of you can barely even stand".

"Well, what do you expect?!". Aquaman yelled,"None of us are like you".

"You're right. None of you are like me". Darkforce said before starting to walk away.

"Wait". Batman's voice echoed and the dark hero came to a stop.

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