Chapter 79

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Superman and the others did everything they could to fight off the threat but the army of paradooms seemed endless, Vixen was starting to get tired from all the fighting and keeping many of their allies safe. Mera stabbed another paradooms through the chest before reeling it back on the ground and drawing the life out of it, Barda blasted several of the monsters with her Omega-Rod and she inflicted damage to the monsters.

Supergirl who had partially healed throughout the process flew back into action. She blasted the monsters out of the sky before landing blow after blow on them, Artemis evaded the attacks of two before she jumped onto the shoulder of one and ripped its head off, then she jumped down and rolled between the legs of the other while also avoiding claws at the same time.

She got her blade out and dashed upward toward his head and sliced its head clean off, she grabbed the head and threw it at another paradoom that was feasting on the body of another Leaguer.

"Where are Hawkgirl, Black Canary and the others?". Mera asked before killing another monster with ease.

"They're still in Los Angeles". Superman said killing several monsters with his heat vision,"Paradooms are heavily packed there and the rest of the Outsiders are there helping them".

Vixen summoned the strength of the elephant and rammed through the bodies of the paradooms before using the jumping ability of the kangaroo and landing a solid kick in the face of a paradooms with the kicking power of a donkey. Yin and the other civilians cowered on the inside of the building, there was not much she could do against the monsters but she was very worried for Artemis who was fighting on the outside and for Troy who was facing the Dark lord of Apokolips.

Nightwing and Batgirl hanged back and set charges of explosives, they lured paradooms into a building before blowing the building up. But once the smoke cleared, the paradooms flew out of the building with no damage inflicted on them.

"We're running low on explosives". Batgirl reported.

"Use these!". Batman said throwing her a satchel of another round of explosives.

Batgirl looked inside and saw them infused with a green substance.

"Kryptonite infused explosives?". Batgirl asked.

The dark knight nodded.

"It would make sense. Those monsters are half Doomsday so they should have the same weakness to Kryptonite". Nightwing said before kicking away a debris that was headed toward them.

Then, a piercing scream shattered throughout the sky and they all had to block their ears. They looked up and saw the daughter of Trigon appear out of a portal in the air and thunder clouds started to firm and lightning flashed everywhere. Starfire and Damian followed her out of the portal before reaching the ground where the others are.

"Damian?". Batman called out.

"Hello, father". Damian replied.

"Kori!". Nightwing said before running up to hug her.

"Dick!". Starfire sighed in content.

"What's wrong with Raven?". Supergirl asked.

"She's doesn't seem alright to me". Constantine said observing the girl.

Raven glared at the monsters in front of her with four glowing red eyes, she snarled at the monsters before she used her powers to gather every debris that laid around the area and started to spin them around the paradooms. As the debris spun, the monsters were slowly getting shredded into pieces and the young demon girl was not letting up.

"What the heck?". Billy asked as he watched what was happening.

She roared into the sky and a blindingly red beam of energy shot out of her and then she collapsed onto the ground and went unconscious.

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