Chapter 3

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              Two weeks later

Darkforce swinged through National City as he chased after an armored truck, he ninja rolled onto the road and fired his chains. He felt them attach to the back of the truck and then he used his strength to pull the truck, the large vehicle instantly stopped and the thugs fell out.

The civilians cheered upon seeing Darkforce. He felt his divine sense kick in and then used his chains to grab the guns from them before they even fired a single bullet. The thugs pulled out machetes, knives and nightsticks and got ready to attack him.

The squad cars sirens were heard  and they stopped a few feet away from Darkforce and the thugs.

"Hold it right there!". The cops yelled as they exited the squad cars.

Darkforce held up a single clawed finger and the cops looked confused.

"Do your worst". Darkforce said, getting into a stance.

The first thug with a knife went in for a slice but was easily sidestepped by Darkforce at an unnatural speed, he grabbed the thug and flung him into another thug. He easily dodged a nightstick aimed at his head with ease and kicked the attacker, he fired his chains and tied him up. He jumped into the thugs and knocked each of them down before tying them up. He threw the tied up bodies of the thugs at the feet of the cops.

"You sure know how to make an impression, Darkforce". The chief said.

Darkforce nodded before taking off. The civilians went into craze and many took pictures of him as he went.

"Well, round them up, boys". The chief told the other cops.


As Darkforce swinged through the city, he noticed a familiar figure flying above him. He looked up and saw the Girl of Steel herself.

"What brings you around these parts, gorgeous?". He called up to her.

She smiled,"I saw what you did. Are you trying to outshine me or something?".

"Not really. Just here to do the right thing". The dark hero said, before landing on a building.

Supergirl also landed on the same building and walked toward him.

"Troy?". She said, watching as he took his mask off.

"Yeah?". He said, facing her.

"Does the League really know you're here? Because I get the feeling you're not telling me everything". She said.

"Yeah. Batman keeps tabs on me". Troy said.

"So how's the temporary apartment going?". She asked.

"Got a creepy landlord who's always on my nerves". Troy said, darkly.

Then Supergirl's comm started going off.

"Alex? Don't worry, Troy took care of the situation. Yeah, Darkforce did. Okay, I'll be there". Supergirl said, before ending the call.

She looked at Troy who was only staring at her with a neutral expression.

"I have to go back to DEO and go take care of some stuff". Supergirl said, floating into the air.

"Well, I'll see you later, Kara". Troy said.

She took off. Troy put on his mask and fired his chains and immediately took off as well.

         The next day at Catco

Troy walked through the Catco building and he got a few glances from the girls that worked there, his good Spartan looks always had perks when it came to girls.

He saw Kara sitting behind a desk and working, he walked up and placed a bouquet of flowers on her table.

"Delivery, my fair maiden". He said.

She looked up and smiled,"Wow, Troy. Thank you, they are really beautiful".

He took a look at Jimmy and saw how uneasy he looked when he spoke with Kara. He decided to help Kara make him jealous and it was working.

"Oh yeah, he looks jealous". Troy whispered.

"Really?". Kara whispered back.

Troy smiled and nodded.

"Hey, you!". Troy looked up and saw Kat Grant glaring at him.

"Oh. Hi, Ms Grant". He waved at her.

"Are you going to romance Kara all day or would you rather give me what I asked you to get?". Kat said, a little irritated.

"Right. I'll give them to you". Troy said, as he followed her into her office.

"You seem to have a lot of nerve for someone who's only a freelance photographer". Kat said, sitting behind her desk.

"Well, being friendly is kind of my thing". Troy said.

"Well, it's not mine. So you have to get used to that while you work here. Now, give me the pictures". She said.

He handed her his four best caught pictures. She took them and examined them closely.

"I've seen better pictures than this. But I see potential in them, I'll put them on the front page. Now get lost". Kat said.

"My raise?". He asked.

"Get it at front desk. I'm sure Ms Danvers will be willing to welcome your romance". Kat said.

He shrugged and walked out. As he came out, he saw Kara looking at him with her glasses on. She looked very different.

"You're still alive? I'm impressed". She smiled.

"Very funny. But now, I just got a raise. So you have to sign the check to me now". Troy said, sitting on the edge of her desk.

"More than happy to". She said, writing something down.

Jimmy then appeared and stood between Kara and Troy, the Spartan easily moved away from them.

"Are we still on tonight?". Jimmy asked Kara.

"Yeah, of course". Kara smiled.

Then Troy's phone started ringing. He quickly answered it and Bruce's voice came on the other end, after a moment he hanged up and placed it back in his pocket.

"Something wrong?". Kara said.

"I was informed to leave National City and head to San Francisco immediately if possible. There's something big waiting for me there". Troy said.

Kara's eyes widened,"What?! Why so early? I need you here".

Jimmy looked surprised by her response,"Uh, what?".

Troy gave Kara a look that said 'don't blow it'.

"What I meant to say is that I need you to be here, you know. To take Darkforce's pictures". She readjusted her words.

"Don't worry. Kat will find a replacement". Troy said.

"No, she won't".

The three turned to see Kat Grant walk a few feet away.

"If you're leaving the city, Troy. Just know that you're fired". She said, before entering her office again.

Trot blinked,"Well, that transpired quickly".

"Yeah". Jimmy agreed.

"Anyway, later guys. Later big guy". Troy said, giving Jimmy's shoulder a light, friendly punch.

Jimmy smiled at that,"Later Troy".

"Come on. Let's have lunch, I'm treating you to a nice cafe that I know". Kara said.

She and Jimmy then left the building.


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