Chapter 47

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Batman frowned as he stared at the image of Superman and Wonder Woman, the League's most powerful members and arguably the most powerful man and woman on the Earth... kissing.

'This could prove... complicated' Bruce thought as his mind began to run over possible scenarios this could lead to as the two floated above the field that was next to the home Superman was raised in by the Kents years ago.

Some of the possible scenarios were good... and even more were bad.

"You know, this isn't the worse thing I've ever caught you doing" Troy's voice cut off the Dark Knight's train of thought and forced the caped crusader to turn and see Troy's gaze focused on the still playing feed on the screen before his lenses zeroed in on Bruce's own "Have to say though, I never took you for a voyeur".

It's... it's not like that" Bruce said carefully as he analyzed Troy's behavior carefully.

He was not blind to the romance that the dark hero and the Amazon shared, this could lead to animosity building between the Man of Steel and the dark hero. This new development could cause even more unforeseen issues to arise that could drastically effect the team.

'This is why you don't have inter-team relationships'. Bruce thought sourly,'They always lead to this'.

Bruce watched as Troy stepped closer to the screen and observed Diana and Clark's moment before he shook his head,"You know, I never understood the appeal of floating while kissing. I mean is it supposed to be romantic or something?".

"I wouldn't know". The dark knight replied while feeling uncomfortable at the same time.

Bruce took the time to carefully analyze Troy and the dark hero seemed surprisingly calm and collected, much the opposite of what he was expecting.

"If I had known about this beforehand....."

"Don't beat yourself about this, Bruce". Troy interrupted while still staring at the feed.

There was silence for a moment before Bruce decided to break the ice.

"How are you holding up?".

"Good, actually". Troy replied with a smile,"I got to hang with the Outsiders, Raven and I went to the zoo for some unknown reason and Dick and I enjoyed some crime fighting these past few weeks".

"It's good to see you branch out more". Bruce said,"I noticed you being around the other female leaguers more often than usual".

"Yeah, they seem to get me........wait a sec! What do you mean by that?!". Troy asked as he leaned down toward the dark knight.

"Nothing, Troy". Bruce said without any hesitance.

Troy rolled his eyes before he turned to leave. He took a couple of steps before coming to a stop and turning toward the screen of Superman and Wonder Woman, he watched it and surprisingly felt nothing.

"Should we talk to them about that or wait and see how it goes?". The dark hero asked pointing at the feed.

Bruce faced the screen again before sighing.

"For now... we'll see how things play out. It could just be a heat of the moment" Bruce said, though whether he was trying to tell himself that or Troy, he hadn't any idea.

Maybe both.

"Better hope things go well. Rather not wake up and find out either Diana or Clark decide to take over the world because the other broke up with them or forgot a date". Troy said.

"Be we ever so lucky". Bruce muttered before he turned off the feed.


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