Chapter 27

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Troy was in the the Watchtower's food court along with other members, he was having a small chat with Hal and Barry. They were all in costume, minus their masks. They were just having some time off after dealing with Toyman and the Scarecrow.

"Can't believe you and the Amazon are engaged". Hal said.

"Hey, it happens". Troy said, chewing on his fries.

"So where do you want the wedding to be?". Barry asked.

Troy stopped eating,"Well........I haven't really dwelled on the matter. I just thought Diana would handle it since she's the girl".

"Nope, nope. Bad idea". Hal said.

"Women love a man who is more involved in their planned wedding". Barry said.

"Guys, I'm a thousand years old. I'm pretty sure I know how women work". Troy said, sipping on his soda.

Then Batman's voice came on the intercom at that moment,"All League members report to the meeting room immediately".

"What now? We just fought a guy who plays with toys and another who thinks he needs a role in a horror movie". Hal said, slowly getting to his feet.

"Its probably nothing big". Barry said, following the two.


After all the members came to the meeting room, Batman stood in front with a beautiful Afro-American girl who donned an African designed costume. She looked familiar to Troy from somewhere.

"I would like to welcome back an original member of the League. Mari McCabe or Vixen if you refer to her code name". Batman said, making her step back.

"Mari!". Shayera exclaimed, hugging her immediately.

"It's good to see you too, Shayera". Mari smiled as she hugged back.

"What a surprise. When did you get here?". Shayera asked.

"A few days ago. I thought I'd come back and make a surprise visit". Mari said.

"Hi Mari". Diana said, hugging the African themed hero.

"Good to see you, Diana. Still muscular as usual, I see". Mari said, touching the Amazon's biceps and looking at her muscular figure.

"It's amazing what fights can do for your body". Diana said.

Mari then looked at Troy who was in his Darkforce suit, he noticed her looking at him. She suddenly looked shocked.

"I've seen you before. You're that guy from the apartment building. You're Darkforce!". Mari said.

Troy looked stunned,"Mari, that's you. Wow! I didn't recognize you at all".

They gave each other a hug and smiled at each other. The others were a little confused.

"You two know each other?". Cyborg asked.

"Yeah. We met a few days ago in an apartment building that we both stay in". Mari said.

"Oh, I see". Cyborg said.

"This is Darkforce. He was our new member two years but now is a full time member, he is also from another world". Batman said.

Mari raised an eyebrow,"What? Another dimension?".

"No. Another Earth far from our own. He lost everything and everyone he loved after his enemies almost won and he was transported here by accident". Batman said.

Mari looked at Troy with sympathy,"I'm so sorry. I know what it feels like to lose someone".

Troy smiled,"I'm over it now. I got new friends anyway".

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