Chapter 14: Something You Need To Know

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One Direction sat around their manager as they played back the song they had created whilst they were in the studio the previous day.

Stopping it halfway through, Paul looked to the boys watching him from over his shoulder. "well," he began, "you guys did this?" Nodding, each boy mumbled a yes to their manager, who pressed his lips into a straight line, simply nodding his head to them.

"Do you like it?" Liam asked, worry beginning to cover his face. Paul let out a dry sigh, licking his lips. Spinning around in his mobile chair, he eyed each of his singers and covered the lower half of his face with his hand. Taking a swift breath, he lowered his hand and shook his head.

"No... I don't like it..." Disappointment spread voer each of the young males faces, frowns and confusion crossing their faces. Niall and Liam dared themselves not to cry. It was until Paul held up a hand to silence Zayn who began to speak up. "I don't like it... I love it!"

"Wait... really? Seriously.... Like... Hold up!" Speaking out their surprise, Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry looked around at each other, before shouting excitedly and gathering together in a group hug. Paul rose from his seat, unable to stop a smile from crossing his cheeks at his young band. Zayn turned to him, making all he boys open their arms to him.

"Paul, get in here!" Zayn said, a large smile present on his charming face.

"Nah, I'm good." Paul suppressed a laugh.

"C'mon!" The boys continued to chant, making the offer tempting to their manager. "Come hug your band! You know you want to!"

Rolling his eyes in defeat, Paul walked towards them and into their embrace.

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"Are you sure you don't want us to come with you?" Liam asked Louis, who was slipping on his Converse. He shook his head and tied the laces to his right one before doing the same with his left.

"No, I'll only be out for about an hour. I won't be long. I only need to look for some new suspenders. I think I'm grown enough to find them on my own."

"You sure?" Now Liam was teasing. "Just last week you couldn't find your beanie and it was in your bed."

"Shut up!" Louis chuckled and rose to his feet and adjusted his jacket, running a hand through his freshly gelled, pushed back hair. "I'll be back in a an hour. Hour an a half at the latest." He gave his mates a quick nod and exited through the front door, adjusting his jacket once more in the chilly early afternoon air.

The British lad let out a soft sigh. He wasn't going shopping for suspenders. He was going to the doctors office. He needed to know the truth behind his pregnancy. Louis remembered when he told Doctor Micheal he believed that he was pregnant; it was almost embarrassing, but he had to tell him.

"Doctor Micheal, remember in the ER when you told me to call you when I needed anything?" Louis' voice was slow as he spoke to the young American doctor.

He heard the doctor shuffle around. "Yes, you need something? Medication? An appointment for something?"

"Well, that's the thing." Louis responded. "I need an appointment because... I think I might be pregnant..."

The drive to the doctors office was long. It was only a few miles at the most, but due to Louis' current stomach cramps, he drove extra slow to not cause any harm to himself and the small child currently growing inside him. At a red light, Louis softly placed a hand on his baby bump and slowly rubbed back and forth over it.

"Shh..." He cooed, staring straight ahead at the nearly empty freeway. He smiled when he felt his cramp pain ease up. "Thank you, Darling."

Doctor Micheal's office was like Louis expected. "It was an average size for a single doctor. Two black leather chairs sat in front of a freshly polished wooden desk. A black leather couch sat against the back wall. The walls were painted white, where pictures of Doctor Micheal and his boyfriend hung.

Louis took a seat in the first chair he came to and sat down in front of the desk. He eyed the picture of the doctor on the desk with his boyfriend. The two were hugging at a pier. In the photo, his boyfriend had the sides of his head chaved and dyed pink and the top half of his hair was dyed rainbow. Louis couldn't help but smile at the picture as Doctor Micheal walked in and caught him.

"That's my favorite photo of him and I." The young doctor took a seat behind his desk and folded his hands. "But anyway... I did some research on your medical history after we scheduled your appointment for today and well..." He clicked his lips to his teeth and looked down to his hands. "Louis... Did you parents ever tell you something about yourself that you probably didn't know? That would make you somewhat different to other guys?"

Louis narrowed his eyes confusingly. "No... Why?" When the brunette doctor didn't reply, Louis began to worry. "Doctor Michael what did you find out about me? What do you mean, I'm different compared to other men? How am I different than other men?"

"Louis..." Standing from his desk, Doctor Micheal made his way to the cabnit to the right of his desk and opened it up. "Theres something you need to know. And I really wish your parents had told you, but it seems as though I will have to be the one to do it."

Grabbing a thick folder full of paper, Doctor Micheal slowly returned to his seat and sat down, setting it down easily as if the folder were extra fragile. Louis watched as he swallowed, his Adam's apple moving slowly all together. Louis bit his lower lip nervously. "Doctor Micheal, please quit stalling. I need to know! What is it? Why am I different?" He stood up abruptly.

"Louis..." Doctor Micheal stood up and motioned to the leather chair. "You might want to sit down to hear this news."

"Okay..." Louis slowly sat down, placing his shaking limbs on the arms of the chairs.

Following his motions, Doctor Micheal opened the thick packet of paper and pulled off the top paper. "Louis, when you were born, you were born different to other guys. Yes, you have the male testicles but not the male reproductive system?"

"What?" Louis was shocked. "What do you mean I wasn't born with the male reproductive system?"

A soft sigh escaped Micheal's lips. "Louis, you're a hermaphrodite..."

"A what?"

"A hermaphrodite... It means you have male testicles, but female ovaries. You're both a male and female and that's why you're pregnant..."

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