Chapter 28: The Gender Of Your Baby Is...

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Louis' stared up at the ceiling from where he lay on the hospital bed. He was dressed in his black skinny jeans and loose striped shirt. He and Harry awaited the doctor to arrive for the ultra sound.

"Harry?" Louis began after a few minutes of waiting. Looking up from a magazine about parenting, Harry mumbled a soft "Hm?". Louis rubbed his big belly and rolled his head to the side to look at his curly haired soul mate. "Do you want it to be a boy or girl?"

Harry sat up straight. "You know, I haven't really thought of it. I was just kind of happy with the fact that I'm going to be a father."

"But if you had to pick?"

Harry thought for a second. "If that's the case, I would love to have a son." He smiled and set the magazine down. "What about you, Lou?"

"Em... I would want a son too." Louis smiled from where he lay and Harry reached a hand out and grasped Louis'. "Lets hope for a boy then." He smiled and leaned in close and pressed his lips to Louis'.

The sound of a door opening and a soft cough made the two lads pull back and look to the door to see a young doctor, his name tag read; Doctor Rivera. He was perhaps in his mid thirties with slightly greying hair and brown eyes.

"Good aftertoon." He greeted the young men. By the sound of his accent, he was American. "I will be your doctor today. You may call me Doctor Rivera." He had a polite, kind tone to his voice as he greeted Louis and Harry. He held his hand out to shake the hands of the young lovers.

"Very nice to meet you." Harry said. "I'm Harry."

"You must be the boyfriend, am I correct?"

"Yes, that's me." Harry smiled, running a hand through his hair.

"And you must be Louis?"

"That I am."

"Well, this certainly won't take long. Only a few minutes." The doctor set his clipboard down after checking it over. "So, you two are here for an ultra sound."

He walked over to the sink and quickly washed his hands. "That's a very exciting moment, isn't it?" He smiled to the young couple. "I remember when my wife got her first ultra sound. Amazing, let me tell you."

Louis and Harry nodded, their hands still intertwined. Doctor Rivera pulled on some rubber gloves and opened the cupboard, pulling out a small tube. "I will just put some of the gel onto your stomach. It's cold, so warning." He lifted up Louis' shirt and squeezed some of the cily gel onto his enlarged belly. "This will help the dcanner move easier over your stomach."

Louis twitched at the cold feel of the gel before relaxing and letting the doctor continue. He turned on a machine next to the bed and pressed a few buttons and dials before bringing the scanner over and pressing it onto the gel, moving it around Louis' stomach.

The three men watched the screen, eyes wanderng around, looking for a baby. The doctor chewed his lower lip, his eyes looking closely. "Lets see here..." He lifted his hand to the screen and pointed his finger out. "Ah, here we go."

Harry and Louis' eyes followed to where his finger pointed. "Right here, as you may see, we have the baby's head." His finger made a circle around the head of the unborn baby and moved down. "Here is a hand, the body, their legs and their feet. And the other hand right here."

"Oh my gosh." Louis smiled, staring at the screen with teary filled eyes. "My baby..." He squeezed Harry's hand and looked to him. "Our baby..." Harry smiled and nodded.

"Yeah," he said, falling in love with the way he used the word our.

"Rivera." Louis began. "Can you see what gender our baby is? Or no?"

"Let me see." Doctor Rivera moved the scanner around, eyes squinted, searching for the lower half of the child.

Louis and Harry stared eagerly at the screen, looking at their child's head and body. "So beautiful." Louis whispered to himself.

"Ah, here we go!" The doctor said, his pointer finger aiming at the baby's genial area. "The gender of you baby is... A boy!"

"Oh my God!" Louis covered his mouth. "Oh my God!" Tears brim his eyes add he stares wide eyed at the screen.

"Beautiful..." Harry smiled.

"Congratulations." Doctor Rivera said, smiling to the couple. "He looks to be doing very good. No problems at all."

"Incredible..." Louis couldn't speak sentences; he was too intruiged at the sight of his child on the screen... inside of him... his baby boy...

"He's so beautiful." Harry commented.

"From the ultra sound, you must be due in three to four months?" Doctor Rivera looked to Louis, who nodded, his eyes only looking to glace at the doctor briefly before returning to the screen.

"Can we get pictures?" Harry asked, knowing Louis would definitely want photos to put in a scrapbook or something. He smiled at the thought.

"Of coarse, I can take them right now."

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Louis got the gel cleaned off his stomach and he lowered his shirt back down to cover himself. He took Harry's hand and he helped pull Louis to a sitting positon and to his feet. "Easy, Love."

"Thanks, Hazza." Louis pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek, letting his lips linger for a minute.

Doctor Rivera handed them the photos from the ultra sound in a small photo packet. Inside, seven photos rested, each taken from different angles and positions. Louis held onto the packets like his life depended on it, not crushing it, but enough so it wouldn't slip between his fingers.

"You two have a lovely rest of the day." Doctor Ricera shook their hands once again before excusing them to go.

Harry debated on whether he should Louis' hand as they were leaving towards the waiting room. Louis on the other hand grasped Harry's hand, slipping his fingers in between each of Harry's.

"Who cares what they think? You're mine and hell, I'm going to show the world." Louis' words made Harry less tense. It was true. Louis was his, his love, his life, his everything. Why did it matter what everyone else thought? He was happy. He had every right to show off his happiness.

"I love you." Harry whispered, walking into the waiting room.

"And I love you too." Louis spoke loud and clearly, all heads turning to face them. He swung his and Harry's hands back and forth as they left the doctors office; large and proud smiles on both their faces.

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