Chapter 12: One Month And One Direction

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It had been one month since Louis had become pregnant. And by now, his body had begun its changes. His stomach had a small bump growing, barely noticeable, but enough to know it was there. His eating habits had changed and Louis enjoyed eating breakfast and Chinese food. He didn't notice his food habit change, but the other boys certainly did.

"Louis, that is your third bowl of cereal!" Liam said, watching Louis from where he sat on the kitchen counter. "You're eating about as much as Niall does, if not more."

"And that's a shock, coming from me." Niall said, setting his plate in the sink. "I eat ALL the time. You barely eat anything, Lad. You'll eat a plate or bowl of breakfast and get full from it. Now you're eating like there's no tomorrow."

"Really?" Louis finished his third bowl. "I haven't even noticed."

The only thing Louis had noticed, was the baby bump growing on his stomach. He had tried to keep it hidden by wearing his big t-shirts instead of his striped polos. He stood up and set the bowl in the sink.

"Finished yet?" Zayn chuckled to himself.

Louis thought for a moment. His bottom lip stuck out whenever he was really thinking. He crinkled his nose and nodded to Zayn. "Yeah, for now I am."

"Jeez, you eating like a pregnant women." Liam said, causing laughter from each individual boy. "Or a Niall." More laughs, only louder this time.

"Shut up!" Niall said, hitting Liam playfully on the arm.

"Well, I'm full for now!" Louis said again, setting his empty bowl into the sink and rinsing it quickly. Not a pregnant women... a pregnant man! I have to go to Doctor Mochael and see why this is happening!

"Well, now that that's out of the way..." Zayn was interrupted by their telephone ringing. "Please excuse me." He turned on his heel and quickly made his way to the living area and answered their black rotary phone. "Hello?"

"So, I was thinking," Harry began, eating cut up apple pieces, "about the name of the band-" Before the curly haired lad could continue, Zayn burst back into the kitchen.

"Paul needs us in the studio in half an hour! So if you need to finish getting ready or whatever, better do it now, we leave in fifteen minutes!"

"Geez, at least let me finish my apple," Harry smirked and continued, "I'll tell you guys about the my thoughts on the band when we get there."

"Okay." Zayn turned on his heels. "If you need me, I'll be fixing my hair real quick."

Niall chuckled. "Okay, see you in ten years." He hopped up and ran up the stairs to his room to change, missing the hit Zayn had thrusted at him. Rolling his eyes, Zayn marched on and continued towards his room.

"Are you guys gonna get ready?" Liam asked, getting to his feet. He made his way towards the kitchen entrance. His brown eyes drifted from Louis to Harry and back to Louis. Both boys gave him a quick head shake and Liam smiled, nodding to them both before departing up the stairs.

Harry gave Liam a nod as he left and made his way next to Louis at the sink. He wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him into his side. "How's your hand, Baby?" he asked, his lips brushing against Louis's temple softly.

Louis stared down at his hand, his eyes slowly moving to his growing stomach. "It's feeling a bit better." He said, his hand slowly pressing to his stomach. Harry didn't seem to notice. "I just need to take my pill and I'll be good for the next six hours."

A ghost of a smile crossed Harry's lips and he brushed them against Louis's. "Than lets go get you your pill."

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