Chapter 19: Paul Knows

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((I'm putting up another chapter today about an hour or so after this one.))

"Ready to tell him?" Harry asked, gently squeezing Louis' hand, staring at the building in front of them. He watched as Niall, Liam, and Zayn enter, leaving the two to themselves.

"Kind of..." Louis said nervously. "I just hope he doesn't try to keep us apart."

Harry looked to Louis, pulling him into his arms and kissing his cheek. "You worry too much. Everything will be okay; I promise." He nuzzled his face into Louis' neck and let out a low soft breath. "Have I ever been wrong with you?"

Louis smiled, tilting his head a bit so Harry could nuzzle him better. "No."

"Than trust me, my Love." Harry pulled his face back and kissed Louis' ear, before grasping his hand and intertwining their fingers. He and Louis walked side by side into the building, the metal door shutting behind them, a loud clang echoing through the corridor. They followed a dozen feet behind Niall, Liam, and Zayn, who slowed their steps so they could catch up to them.

"You guys sure about this?" Liam asked, looking at them over his shoulder.

Louis looked at Harry before smiling and nodding his head. "Yeah, we are."

The four boys stopped at Paul's office and waited a second as Liam turned to the others. "Let's do this, Lads."

 Taking deep breaths, Niall was the one to knock on the door before retrieving his hand and slip it into his jacket pocket. "Come in." They heard Paul's gruff voice say as Liam grasped the door knob and turned it, pushing the door in. They greeted the manager with cheerful smiles and hellos.

"Paul, there is something we need to tell you." Louis began after they made themselves comfortable on the couch. Paul nodded.

"I'm all ears."

"Well... over the past few months, um..." Louis tried to find the words to tell him. "Uh... Harry and I... we..."

"You've been seeing each other?" Paul asked, clasping his hands in front of him.

"Yeah, yeah we have..." Louis said, the boys nodding in agreement, before they stopped short and looked at Paul who gave them an obvious smirk. "You knew?" Paul nodded. "But, but how?"

"Louis, let me explain," Paul sat back in his chair. "I see the way you and Harry look at each other. It's the same way I look at my girlfriend. Your face lights up when Harry is talking or his name is mention in conversation. Same for you, Harry." The curly lad smiled, looking down his lap.and at Louis out of the corner of his eye. "And the other day when you guys made One Direction the official band name, I saw Harry kiss you Lou. May have not said anything or acknowledged it, but I saw it."

A blush crawled onto Louis' cheeks as he smiled at the ground, taking Harry's hand in his. "So... you're okay with this?"

Paul simply nodded. "Of course not. I have nothing against, it's completely normal in my opinion. Plus, you're my boys and nothing will ever change that. You drive me insane, no doubt about it. But like you said, we're a family and family always sticks together."

"Aw, Paul!" Louis jumped up and ran over to hug Paul tightly in his his arms. Soon after, each boy joined in. they wrapped their arms around their manager and smiled.

""But be careful," Paul said when the boys stepped back. "Though I don't have a problem with it, i'm afraid to say, people elsewhere do and I don't  wan to keep you two in the dark, but merely listen when I say to try to be not too affectionate in public. At gigs or out in general. I just don't want anyone to try to harm any of you."

"Understood Paul." Harry nodded with his words.

The four boys went to leave, Louis in lead. When he reached the door, he stopped, the other boys crashing into him. He turned to look at Paul who was packing up his things to go. "Hey Paul, we're going out for pizza tonight. You should join us!"

The other boys were quick to agree, looking to Paul with smiles on their young faces. But he shook his head. "As fun as that sounds, I can't. I have plans tonight."

"Oh, you and you're girlfriend?" Liam asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Paul smiled. "Yeah." He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small velvet box. He opened it and revealed a beautiful diamond ruby engagment ring. One Direction's faces quickly changed to awe as Paul kept going. "I'm gonna purpose to her tonight."

"Oh my God, Paul!" Liam said, giving Paul a pack on the back and smiling. "Good luck man."

"Thanks." Paul smiled, putting it away. "Before you guys go, though, can I ask... Will you be my best men?" The five were quick to agree. They nodded and Niall jumped into Paul's arms, saying yes as fast as he could. Paul chuckled and set him down. He then turned to Louis and placed a hand on his shoulder. "And Louis, I want you by my side at the alter."

Louis was touched. "Paul," He smiled and quickly nodded. "I'd be honored."

Paul smiled and thanked the boys before letting go. He watched them go before smiling to himself and grabbing his suitcase and coat and leaving his office, locking the door and leaving to get home.

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