Chapter 27: Lets Meet Up

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((So I plan to have up to 35 chapters before ending the book. I cannot thank you guys enough for the support, reads, favourites, and comments. It means the entire world to me! Also, I apologize for being late with my updates. Its been a rough couple weeks and I'm sorry. I'm trying to update quicker, but it is taking some time. But thank you for your patience.

Also, the book called "Sin" by Danistylinson is incredible! Yesterday's chapter had me in tears, crying! If you haven't read it, I 100% suggest you check it out! You will love it!))

It was a hit! Their first gig. It was recorded and put online, going viral in less than 12 hours. It was incredible. Only, the five boys didn't know it was online, not until they got a phone call. They were sleeping in after the long night of singing and messing around. The time was around two in the afternoon; the exact time the phone rang.

Groaning in annoyance, Harry decided he would be the one to get up and let Louis sleep after he tried to get up from their bed. He patted his shoulder and kissed his cheek before getting out of bed and heading downstairs, where the ringing grew louder. Harry rubbed his eyes and picked up. "Hm... Hello?"

"Yes, hello, is this the home residence of One Direction?" An English accent asked.

Harry let out a low breath and let out a silent gruff. "Yes it is, may I ask who's calling?"

"Of course, my apologizes." The voice said. "My name is Simone Cowell."

Harry's eyes widened. "Wait, Simon as in, the Simon Cowell? Host on The X-Factor?"

"Yes, that is me." Simon chuckled softly. "I wanted to talk to you and the others about your video that went viral only about twelve hours ago."

Harry was confused. Video??? "What video?"

"The one of you and your friends from last night. The performance you guys did was phenomenal. It already has over twenty-seven thousand views. I wanted to ask if you guys would like to meet up and talk? I work with rising stars, as you may know, and I think you five have what it takes to make it to the top."

"Oh my God, that's incredible!" Harry was overcome in excitement. "I'm sure we would be honoured to meet up with you and talk. But as of right now, I am the only one awake. We got back quite late and are just letting us rest up."

"Ah, I see." Simon understood. "Well, I wouldn't want to stop you from getting some rest, as it is important. But when you five get the chance, please give me a call." Simon gave Harry his number, which he wrote down to remember.

"Thank you so much, Simon! This is amazing!" Harry said.

"Pleasure is all mine." Simon said. "Hope to hear back from you guys soon. Have a nice afternoon."

"Thank you, you too." Harry smiled, but before he hung up, he asked. "What is the name of the video? I would like to check it out?" Simon gave him the title of the video and wished Harry a good day, before hanging up. Harry hung up the rotary phone and walked back upstairs to go back to bed, thinking that after what happened he wouldn't be able to sleep.

But his thoughts were a complete opposite. The second Harry's head hit the pillow and he covered up, he felt his eyes grow heavy once more. He cuddled against Louis, pulling his pregnant boyfriend's bare back against his nude chest. He buried his face in Louis' hair and closed his eyes, letting the sleep take him to the dream world.

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The boys awoke later that afternoon around 5 pm. They stretched and got up, heading downstairs to make food. Zayn was the first, his naturally styled hair a mess, but feeling refreshed. He made himself breakfast, not caring what time it was. As a matter of fact, all five boys made breakfast for themselves. Except for Louis, who sat and watched Harry make him breakfast.

They ate in silence for a minute before Louis spoke up. "Harry, who was on the phone earlier this afternoon?"

Harry's eyes widened a bit. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Simon Cowell called. The Simon Cowell, from The X-Factor!"

All attention was on Harry. "Simon called us?" Liam asked, nearly choking on orange juice. "Well, what did he want?" His voice rose with excitement.

"He said we have what it takes to make it to the top. He gave me his number and said for us to call back and make a date to meet up with him."

"Whoa, wait a sec." Zayn said, getting a thought. "How did Simon find out about us?"

"Our first gig," Harry began, "someone recorded us and put it up online. It went viral. Simon said it had over twenty-seven thousand views in twelve hours! TWELVE HOURS!!!"

"What? We gotta see it!" Liam jumped up and ran upstairs quickly and coming back with his laptop in hand. He opened it up and went onto YouTube. Harry put in the title of the video and clicked on the one that had a thumbnail of them onstage.

"Whoa, that's amazing!" Zayn said, as they sat watching selves perform. "We did better than I thought."

"Exactly my thoughts." Niall chimed in. "I thought my voice got really bad when I sang that part, but I guess not." The others nodded in agreement.

Louis looked to Harry who couldn't stop smiling at the video. He seemed lost in it, really enjoying how incredible their first show was. And his smile only grew when he felt his unborn child kick again. He smiled and placed his hand overtop of where the kick happened and felt another soft kick to the inside wall of his stomach.

"Lets call Simon." Louis said aloud, once the video ended. "Lets make a meet up date."

"Okay, be right back." Harry retreated to get the phone number from the bedroom and hurriedly made his way back downstairs. Dialing the number into his phone, he put it on speaker and held it up, waiting for an answer.

"Hello?" Simon answered after the third ring.

"Hey Simon, it's Harry. I'm here with the others." He held out the phone and let the other four call out a "Hi Simon!" before chuckling softly.

"Hi boys." Simon greeted, a chuckle being heard in between his words.

"So, we went over it briefly," Harry said, "and we want to make a date to meet up and talk with you."

"Well, alright then." Simon smiled from where he sat. "Lets meet up."

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