Chapter 30: First Concert

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((We are only five chapters away from finishing this book! Wow, so much feels in my opinion. But don't think it's over just yet. Nope. There is going to be a BIG surprise very, very soon! Hope you're ready! ;)  And this chapter is going to be very long, as will the chapters after!!!))

Simon wasn't joking when he said he would get the boys a concert soon. It was only a couple days after they all signed the contract, where they got a phone call. It was Simon, of coarse. He announced to the five that he had gotten a concert that was only a month from that day.

Since then, the five rehearsed songs, wrote and recorded new ones. When they were a week from the show they all had written ten new songs;

1: Everything About You

2: One Thing

3: Gotta Be You

4: Save You Tonight

5: More Than This

6: Tell Me A Lie

7: Taken

8: I Want

9:  Same Mistakes

10: Stole My Heart

They were very proud of their accomplishment and planned on using them for their concert.

The concert would be in the O2 Academy in Birmingham, where over one thousand people would see them perform. To Louis' enjoyment, the concert would be on his seven month.

The day arrived sooner then they had imagined. Louis awoke first, all tingly inside. He kissed Harry's forehead, brushing his curly locks from his face and admiring his beautiful face. He planted another soft kiss to his forehead and Harry awoke from his slumber.

"Good morning, Handsome." Louis smiled, planting a third kiss to Harry's lips.

"Good morning, my Love." Harry's morning voice was deep and raspy, the way Louis' loved hearing it. it was always in his favourite low, sexy tone.

"Know what today is?" Louis asked, his eyes lighting up at the date.

Harry smirked and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist where he sat. "Could it possibly be the seventh month of the pregnancy?"

"That it is." Louis smiled wide and his whole face lit up like a light show. "And you know what else it is?"

"Our first real concert."

Niall ran in, jumping on their bed shouting excitedly. "Our first real concert, as a real band. I'm so excited! Aren't you excited?!"

Before Harry or Louis could reply, Niall was out their bedroom door and in the room next to theirs; Zayn's room. They could hear Niall shout the same things to him as he said to them.

"Niall, get the fuck out!" Zayn's loud morning voice shouted. The sound of running footsteps and another shout similar to Zayn's came from Liam's room.

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