Chapter 8: Pregnancy Tests, Hospital Trip, and Arguments

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Louis parked at the back of the lot, far from the clinic, so he could have more time to think about his current situation. He locked the car behind him and slipped the keys into his pocket, staring straight ahead as he walked towards the small building.

Louis's mind thought mainly about whether he was actually pregnant or not.

What if I am?  He thought. What would Harry say? Would he still want me? Or what about the others, will they be supportive? Or disgusted?  Louis could feel tears brim his eyes. Stop thinking that Lou, they're your friends! And Harry is your boyfriend. Of coarse they'll still care and want you.

Making his way inside, Louis made his way to isle 4, which was filled with band-aids, cough syrup, medical tape, and of coarse, pregnancy tests. He stared at the different types of tests they had until he grasped the one in a pink box that read "Minutes For A Miracle".

Louis chuckled softly at the name on the box and carried it to the front of the clinic. He set it on the counter, the cashier giving him a raised eyebrow. Louis thought quickly. "It's for my girlfriend!"

The cashier nodded at Louis's words and typed in the number on the box. "$1.99, please sir."

Louis paid the man and carried his pregnancy test to the car. He got in and stared down at the small box in his hands. It contained only one test. but Louis knew it didn't matter. It was enough to tell if he was gonna be a father or not.

After what seemed like forever, Louis gently set the box on the passenger seat and started on home.

~ ~ ~

Louis arrived home ten minutes later. He locked the car and slowly entered the house, not to wake anyone. Luckily for him, no one had woken up yet. Instead of taking the test then, Louis slipped into his room and put the box in the bottom drawer of his night stand. He quickly changed back into his pajamas and walked downstairs to start breakfast.

He took his phone and went to his favorite playlist; The Fray.

He started scrambling eggs and made some sausage. Louis's mind was focused on making breakfast, he had almost forgot his problem, until he felt a pain in his stomach; cramps.

Louis groaned in pain, gripping the counter tightly, making his knuckles turn white. His breathing became deep, raspy breaths as his cramps got worse.

"Fuck!" He cried out, leaning over onto the counter. He took deep breaths, feeling tears brim his eyes. Louis tried taking deep breaths, but nothing helped.

And then, Louis did sometime worse then his cramps... he grasped the handle of the burning hot frying pan. He shrieked in pain, dropping to the floor, grasping his hand.

His screams woke the house. Quickly, every boy ran down to see what had happened. Harry was the first to arrive. He gasped, seeing Louis's blistering hand and immediately rushed over to his side.

"Oh my God, Babe!" Harry  cried, kneeling next to him. "Oh my God, your hand!"

Zayn ran in, with Liam and Niall right behind. Harry helped Louis to the sink, where he began to run cold water over his hand.

"Shit!" Zayn ran over to assist them. "What happened?"

Louis didn't speak as he looked over to the stove, his cheeks stained with tears. Liam noticed the stove and quickly turned it off, stopping the food from burning.

"We should get him to the hospital!" Harry said, picking Louis up in his arms. Niall grabbed an ice pack and carried it with him as the five of them made their way out of the house.

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