Chapter 34: One Week

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((There is going to be an epilogue after chapter 35. Also chapter 35 is going to be LOOONNNGGG! Just for you beautiful readers!

Also... ZIAM!!!!! Not as cute as Larry, but in my top five, after 1: Larry, 2: Troyler, and 3: Phan. So, Ziam is #4  <3 ))

Friday, one week since Louis had gone into a coma. For Harry, it had been the longest week of his entire life. He paced around the hospital room; never leaving the room once all week. Niall currently held Chandler in his arms, feeding him a bottle of milk. Liam had brought Harry clothes to change into, after showering in the bathroom in Louis hospital room. He walked up to Louis side and took his hand. "How much longer?" He asked himself. "How much longer will I have to be without him?"

Harry had cried many times during the past week. This was no different. Tears streamed down his face, staining his rosy cheeks. Like before, Liam offered the curly haired lad his arms, wrapping him in a tight hug, letting him cry into his shoulder. "It's so hard!" He cried, sniffling.

"I know, I know..." Liam said softly. "Shhh..." He rubbed Harry's back soothingly.

"What if he never wakes up?" Harry asked. "What if I never get to hold him in my arms again? Never get to see his smile?"

"It's scary, but it's going to be okay. I promise." Liam cooed. "Louis will wake up soon. You know it, I know it, we all know it. He's a strong lad, always has been, always will be."

"But, I don't think he'll be strong enough to beat this."

"Hey, look at me!" Liam took Harry's face in his hands. "I don't want you thinking like that. I know Louis wouldn't want you to think like that. Hell, I know you don't you to be thinking about that. You know deep in your heart that Louis will be okay. You're jumping to conclusions too quick. Take a deep breath." He sucked in a deep breath with Harry. "And slowly, let it out." He slowly released his big breath of air. "There we go. Now, listen to me. Louis is going to be okay. He went through a breakup two years ago, he went through seven months of pregnancy, hormones, change, everything! And he had YOU with him through it all. You didn't leave him and I know he isn't leaving you."

Harry smiled through his tears and nodded. "Thank Liam." Liam returned the smile and the two pulled each other in for another hug. "You're an amazing brother to have. I'm so grateful. For all of you guys. I never expected my life to take this crazy turn. But now that it has. I wouldn't want it any other way. If it had gone the same way it was before, I don't think I'd be nearly as happy as I am right now. I have someone I love and he loves me. And I have three amazing brothers that have my back. And now... I have a beautiful son that I love with all my heart. I couldn't ask for a better life than the one I have right now."

"We're grateful to have you too." Niall smiled, holding the nearly empty bottle to the infants lips. "This is definitely the greatest adventure I've been on."

"Yeah, I mean. You've given Louis the life he lost. You made him happy to get out of bed. Because he had someone waiting for him to tell him how much he was loved. Thanks."

Harry smiled. "Don't thank me. I'm far from being done loving him. I'll never leave him. I'll never stop loving him. I'll never stop losing my breath every time I see him. I'll never get used to him."

"Way to quote Safetysuit." Niall grinned, setting the empty bottle on the counter. Chandler yawned and snuggled up against Niall's chest.

Harry smiled. "Thanks for noticing."

"I've never heard that song." Zayn confessed.

"Safetysuit isn't a song, it's a band." Niall said. "The song Harry was quoting was Never Stop. It's a wedding song."

"Sounds very interesting." Zayn said pulling out his phone. We went onto YouTube and typed it in. He clicked on the first lyric video he saw. "This it?" Harry listened closely as a piano began playing, the lyrics following closely behind.

"This is my love song to you. Let every women know I'm yours. So you can fall asleep each night babe. And know I'm dreaming of you more.

You're always hoping that we make it. You always want to keep my gaze. Well you're the only one I see and that's the one thing that won't change...

I will never stop trying. I will never stop watching as you leave. I will never stop losing my breath. Every time I see you looking back at me. I will never stop holding your hand. I will never stop opening your door. I will never stop choosing you, babe. I will never get used to you....

And with this love song to you. It's not a momentary phase. You are my life, I don't deserve you. But you love me just the same. And as the mirror says we're older, I will not look the other way. You are my life, my love, my only. And that's the one thing that won't change.

I will never stop trying. I will never stop watching as you leave. I will never stop losing my breath.. Every time I see you looking back at me. I will never stop holding your hand. I will never stop opening your door. I will never stop choosing you, babe. I will never get used to you.

Still get my heart racing (you). Still get my heart racing (for you). Still get my heart racing (you). Still get my heart facing (for you).

I will never stop trying. I will never stop watching as you leave. I will never stop losing my breath.. Every time I see you looking back at me. I will never stop holding your hand. I will never stop opening your door. I will never stop choosing you, babe. I will never get used to you.

Still get my heart racing (you). Still get my heart racing (for you). Still get my heart racing (you). Still get my heart facing (for you).

Still get my heart racing (you). Still get my heart racing (for you). Still get my heart racing (you). Still get my heart facing (for you)."

"Yeah, that's it." Harry smiled, nodding.

"Nice," Zayn took a screenshot of the video and smiled. He exited the app and slid his phone back into his pocket. He took a seat on the arm of Liam's chair as he walked back and sat down. Liam rested his arm on Zayn's thigh and looked up to him. He gave Zayn a small, his eyes crinkling.

Harry noticed what was going on between them and smiled before turning to Niall. "How's Chandler doing?"

"He's sleeping. Hopefully he'll sleep for a few hours." He said, referring to the hour Chandler cried without stopping. Niall rubbed his eye and yawned.

"Here, let me have him. You can rest." Harry walked over and held his arms for Chandler. Niall held Chandler up slowly, allowing Harry to cradle him in his arms. He then adjusted himself in his seat, resting his head on the wall. He shut his eyes and yawned again. Within seconds, Niall was out.

Harry took a seat in his usual spot next to the bed, kissing Chandler's forehead tenderly. He sighed and leaned back, resting his head on the wall. "What are you two going to do?" He asked Zayn and Liam, who were stuck in small conversation between each other.

"Just probably talk. You gonna sleep?" Harry nodded and yawned. Zayn rose to his feet. "Then let Liam and I watch Chandler. You need it." He took the baby into his arms and walked back over to Liam, sitting on the arm of the chair once again.

Harry smiled at them and slowly closed his eyes, falling asleep instantly. Liam waited till he was sure Harry was out before looking to Chandler. "You know, he looks so much like Harry." Zayn nodded, holding Chandler so Liam could see him too. "His hair is already curly like his; and he has his rosy cheeks. He's so precious." He smiled. Maybe one day, we'll have our own son?"

Zayn nodded. "That would be perfect." He looked to Liam. The two flashed one another smiles before Zayn leaned down and pressed his lips to Liam's in a passionate embrace.

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