Chapter 2: Show Me What You Got

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"I'm Harry Styles." The curly hair British boy answered. "And you are?" Harry asked, slowly making his to Louis who stood only an inch or two shorter.

"I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

"Very nice to meet you." Harry held out his hand like a gentleman.

Louis couldn't hide a blush that crawled onto his cheeks as he took Harry's hand in his. Harry smiled and brought it to his lips, kissing it tenderly. Harry smiled up to Louis, his eyes never leaving his. He then slipped his hands into his jacket pockets.

"Uh Paul." Louis raised his phone to his ear. "Let me call you back." Before giving his manager a chance to reply, Louis hung up his phone and put it away.

"What's a cute lad, like you, doing here? It's dark, someone could easily snatch you up and take you home with them."

"I can protect myself; thank you. I'm just getting drinks with the guys." Louis shifted his position to his opposite foot and took a swift breath. "And you?"

"Getting a couple drinks." A wink was sent to Louis, who felt his face flush a dark red. "Hoping to take someone home." Harry bit his lip and smirked.

"Least I know who wants to take me home." Louis smirked. Harry smiled devilishly and nodded, not hiding anything from him. "You must be gay? Bisexual? Tell me, I'd love to know."

"I'm bisexual." Harry made his way behind Louis and whispered. "But maybe you could make me full."

"Full?" Louis blushed down at the ground, smelling the alcohol and liquor on Harry's breath.

"Turn me gay."

"Maybe." A smirked crossed the young Lads face.

"What's this?" Harry grabbed a piece of paper from Louis's back pocket. He unfolded it and read it. "The London Times Rockers, keep the name or no?"

Louis spun around and quickly snatched the paper back, a dark red covering his face. "Don't worry about that."

"What is it?" Harry slipped his hands into his back pockets and smirked. Louis mumbled his response and looked down. "What? I can't hear you." Harry was teasing now.

"It's the name of the band I'm in. I was wondering whether we should keep the name or not. Not to mention we have to find another member to join us."

"Maybe I can help!" Harry made it more of a demand then a question. A bright smile crossed his plump lips. Louis eyed his mouth and couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss them.

"Oh really? Okay then..." Louis whispered in a seductive voice.  "Show me what you got!"

Harry smirked and grabbed Louis's beer. He took a drink and handed it back to him. "Okay, I'll think of a band name that you and your friends might like. Till then, what song?"

Louis thought for a second. "Look After You, by The Fray. I like that song. My favourite band."

Harry smiled. "I like them, but they're not my favourite."

"Well, you now have less of a chance to make it in this band." Louis teased, attracted to the young lad. "Okay. Go! Show me!" He crossed his arms over his chest.

Harry took a deep breath and began to sing the song. He made it easy to sing, like as if he were the creator of the song. "If I don't say this now, I will surely break. As I'm leaving, the one I wanna save. Forgive the urgency, but hurry up and wait. My heart has started to seperate..."

Louis stared in amazement at Harry. He had the voice of an angel. Mesmerizing, hitting every note perfectly. Perfect for the band. Harry raised his voice a bit, making it sound almost the same as The Fray... almost.

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