Chapter 4: Secrets

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"C'mon Louis, answer your damn phone!" Zayn muttered as he got Louis's voicemail for the 5th time. "Mother fucker!"

"Louis still isn't back yet?" Niall asked, as he ate a plate of bacon.

Zayn shook his head. "And I've been calling him ALL morning!"

"Maybe he's still sleeping?" Niall suggested.

"It's a good point." Liam said.

Zayn pinched the brig of his nose and sighed, turning to his friends. "Okay, so we have one theory. Now what?"

"Zayn, just relax." Liam said. "Louis will show when he shows."

"Man, why did we have to get so drunk last night?" Zayn muttered under his breath as someone knocked on the door.

Liam got up to answer it. "Relax Zayn, I'm sure Louis will show sooner or later." He opened the hotel room door and standing in the hall, was Louis.

"Uh, I pick sooner." Niall said, noticing Louis as he ate another piece of bacon.

"Louis William Tomlinson, where the hell have you been?" Zayn asked, stepping up next to Liam.

"Out with someone."

"Who?" Zayn put his hands on his hips. "Who were you with?"

Louis stepped in the room, followed by Harry. "With Harry."

"Doing what?" Niall asked.

"Just hanging, nothing unusual." Harry casually lied. Louis nodded in agreement and sat down on the sofa.

Zayn nodded and sat on the arm of the couch. He ran a hand through his hair and said in a tired tone. "Paul called this morning. He wants us back in London tonight. So we have to pack. I already booked us flights when Paul called at like... 3 am..."

Louis nodded. He placed his hands on his thighs and rose from his seat. "Okay, I'll go pack."

Harry got up. "I stayed at another hotel, is it possible to head by there next to get my things?"

Zayn nodded. "Course."

"Thanks." Harry smiled.

Louis turned around. "Harry, you don't mind helping me pack, do you?"

Harry thought for a second to come off less suspicious and shook his head. "No." He followed Louis room down the hall.

Zayn watched them go. In his head, he wondered about Harry. He didn't know why, but he would keep a close watch on the curly haired lad. Turning, Zayn made his way to the table and sat down next to Niall.

"Can't wait to go home." Liam said, taking a drink of his orange juice.

"Me either." Zayn agreed.

"Louis, why did you want me to join you?" Harry asked, though he already knew the answer.

Louis smirked and shut his bedroom door. He pushed Harry against the wall and kissed him hungrily. The curly haired lad ran his hands down Louis's back and squeezed his bum.

Louis chuckled in Harry's ear. "I like when you do that."

"Good, you'll be getting it A LOT more. And you'll also be getting more of this!" Harry smirked, switching spots and pushing Louis up against the wall. His hand slid down Louis's stomach and grabbed his crotch.

Louis groaned into Harry's neck. He trailed butterfly kisses up his jawline and onto his soft, plump lips. Harry smiled and cupped Louis's cheeks in his hands, pressing their foreheads together.

A knock on the door interrupted as Harry went to kiss Louis again. It was Niall. "Um, guys? Zayn wants you to hurry up so we can get an early start leaving."

Louis sighed quietly and pushed Harry back. "Okay, tell him we'll be out in a few."

They listened as Niall's footsteps disappeared from the door. Harry ran a hand through his hair. "Are we ever gonna tell them Love?"

Louis nodded, looking at his door. "Yeah." He turned to Harry. "Just... not right now. It's still early, don't you think?"

Harry nodded.

"Now, I better get packed." Louis mumbled, picking up his suitcase and opening it. He set it on his bed and began to put his clothes inside.

Already bored and hoping for entertainment, Harry walked up behind Louis as he began to put his clothes in his suitcase. Wrapping his arms around his waist, Harry began to kiss his shoulder and neck.

Louis smiled and turned his face in his direction. Harry chuckled and quickly kissed him. "You have such sweet kisses." He bit his lip.

"Thank you... now help me pack." Louis tossed another shirt in his suitcase.

Zayn lay on the couch, tossing a hacky sack around. Liam walked over and snatched it before chucking it down at his friend. Zayn blocked it and sat up. He picked up the fallen hacky sack and chucked it back at Liam as Louis walked out, with his packed suitcase and a Harry Styles behind him.

"Ready to go?" Zayn asked, standing up as Liam tossed the hacky sack back: He caught it.

Louis nodded. "Yeah... where's Niall?"

"Getting the car." Zayn stuck his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Then lets check out." Louis suggested, as the four of them headed to the door.

Louis looked to Harry: in his eyes, Harry saw him say "remember, our little secret."

But what the two lovers didn't know... that between each other, one would soon have a secret that would change both their lives forever...

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