Chapter 11: More Secrets

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Louis sat on the cold bathroom tile flooring, his face buried his hands, tear after tear falling down his cheeks. The positive pregnancy test at his feet, laid upright, showing the positive sign.

"How could I have been so stupid?" Louis muttered to himself. "I knew we should've used protection, but I didn't say anything! How is this even possible? I'm a guy for fuck's sake! I'm such a fucking idiot!" He kept repeating those words in his mind, before they switched to Harry. Louis's eyes widened. "Oh God, what will Harry say?" He sniffled. "Oh God, he's gonna hate me!"

Louis slammed his good hand into the bathroom wall, screaming into a bath towel. With a now throbbing hand, Louis tossed the towel into the hamper, rose to his feet and grasped the counter, staring at his reflection in the mirror: his eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks stained in tears, and his hair was messy where he had pulled and yanked at it.

Sighing, he splashed cold water onto his heated face a couple times and shut off the water, drying his face in the extra towel he had. He looked back at the mirror as his crying settled. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

His cheeks were tear free and his eyes were still red, but no longer puffy. He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. You've really fucked up this time, Lou...

"I can't tell Harry." He said quietly to himself, looking at his stomach in the mirror and placing his hand on it. "... at least, not now..."

Finally emerging from his bathroom, the British boy made his way back to Harry's room, where he found his lover asleep on his stomach, head towards Louis's side of the bed.

A small smile crossed Louis's face as he made his way over and lay back down next to Harry. He rolled onto his side and wrapped an arm around Louis's waist, pulling him close to his body, his hand resting peacefully on his stomach. The smile on Louis's face remained, seeing Harry, even if he was asleep, resting a hand on their child growing inside him.

"If only you knew." Louis mumbled silently to himself, his head facing Harry. He rested his forehead against Harry's and slowly closed his eyes.

Harry opened his eyes slowly, waking from his sleep, not having heard anything Louis had just said. He stared at Louis, thinking he was sleeping. He smiled tiredly and took a deep breath before closing his eyes again and having Louis cuddle into his chest.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The day went on like any other. Zayn sat on the couch, watching Orange Is The New Black, while Liam and Niall sat in the kitchen eating bowls of Lucky Charms.

Harry made his way downstairs in his boxers, yawning into his hand. The staircase creaked quietly with each step he made. He jumped off the third to the last step and made his way into the living room, where he greeted Zayn and made his way into the kitchen with his other two new friends.

"Morning Lads." He smiled, getting a bowl and making himself cereal. "How was your night?"

"Good." Liam answered.

"Got a lot of sleep." Niall added. "What about you?"

"It was... great!" Harry smiled, taking a seat next to Liam. "It was really peaceful and relaxing." With Louis by my side.

"That's good." Liam said, having Niall nod in agreement.

"Yeah." Harry smiled. He ate a spoonful of Lucky Charms and noticed Liam was eating his cereal with a fork instead. "Uh, Liam... why are you eating cereal with a fork?"

"I don't like spoons." Liam said eating another fork-full of cereal.

Harry was confused. "You don't like spoons?"

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