Chapter 22: Make Up Or Break Up

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Louis bit his lip to keep from crying. He looked to Harry with a look of pain. "I don't want to lose you!"

"Louis," Harry took his hands in his slightly larger ones, "you are the best thing that has happened to me. You make me happy. You give me life. But if we keep arguing like this, than I don't want to do this anymore. And I'm not saying we break up, but just take a break and try new things."

Covering his mouth, Louis began to sob uncontrollably. Hot tears fell from his eyes and onto his hand. Harry gave him a look of sympathy and reached for his hand, but Louis jerked back.

"Don't touch me!" He cried, running upstairs to his room and slamming the door. He lean against the door, before sliding down and sitting against it, letting all his tears fall.

"Guess I won't be sharing a room with you..." Louis sobbed, staring at the window across the room from him as tears slipped down his soft cheeks, dripping on his shirt.

It was Harry's turn to cry. He covered his face in his hands and finally let his tears fall down his face. A gentle hand on his shoulder caused him to look up with red and puffy eyes.

"What happened?" Liam asked, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of Harry. "I heard Louis shout and slam his door."

Harry simply shrugged, licking his dry lips. "I said we should take a break, but I think we broke up."

"You think?" Liam questioned, narrowing his eyebrows.

Harry shrugged. "I mean, I love him so much. But with all the arguing and fighting we're doing. I don't know if I can keep up our relationship."

"Harry," Liam said after a fee moments of silence, "you and Louis are gonna fight. It's how a relationship works. You have to go through hard times together, but you can let that be the reason you and Louis break apart." He frowned slightly. "I've never seen Louis so happy. Ever since you joined the band, I saw a change in Louis. A good change. He's more happier than I've ever seen him. I'm not saying you have to be with him, I'm just saying, you brought out the real Louis. A Louis we haven't seen in forever. Since his last breakup."

"His last breakup?" Harry asked, his attention on Liam.

Liam nodded. "Yeah. About a year ago, Louis was in a relationship with a boy named Josh. He's a total doucebag. Anyway, he was Louis' everything. He cared and loved Louis with all his heart. Or so, we thought. Louis woke up everyday will a smile on his face. Always talking about Josh and what he and Josh had planned for the day after we practiced what songs we would do covers of."

"What happened?" Harry leaned forward.

"Josh left his phone unattended. Louis had him over, so he was hanging with us all. He went to the bathroom and Louis picked up his phone when it buzzed. Josh said he was texting his mum, so Louis assumed that's who it was texting him. However, when he opened the text, he saw the name of someone he didn't recognize. Turns out Josh had been texting someone else the entire two and a half months he and Louis dated."

"Oh my God." Harry said, his eyes filled with hurt.

Liam nodded sadly and continued. "Louis showed us all the text messages and broke down. I said I would deal with Josh when he came down." He chuckled softly. "But when he came down, to all of our surprises, Niall stood up. He walked straight up to Josh and punched him square in the jaw; shouting all kinds of profanities we never heard him say, EVER! It shocked us all." Harry chuckled softly, soon turning to surprise after Liam told him some of the words Niall used. "Niall beat Josh up pretty bad before grabbing him by the hair and dragged him out of our house and throwing his phone out onto the cement path; it broke. He shouted loud and clear that Louis was breaking up with him."

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