Chapter 20: No Matter What Happens, We Will Always Be Brothers...

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((With all the drama with One Direction, with the band break up rumours, and Zayn cheating rumours ((I don't believe he cheated)), I thought I should write this chapter about how I feel towards it in the boys P.O.V's and how no matter what happens, Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam will always be our boys, whether they're One Direction or not. I'm praying that they stay together.

NOTE: I cried writing this...))

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The five boys chatted excitedly amongst each other as they drove to the recording studio at 7 am. They chatted about their upcoming performance, as Zayn drove, Liam sitting next to him and Niall, Harry, and Louis in the back.

"What do you think it will be like?" Liam asked, looking at each of the boys where he sat. "To perform for the first time?"

"Insane, if anything." Zayn commented. "The crowd of people, the lights, the excitement."

Liam nodded as Niall added on. "It will almost feel like we're famous. Like celebrities!"

"That's quite an interesting thought."Zayn said. "But that's a lot of work and pressure; being a celebrity. I mean, we're no Backstreet Boys or Simple Plan." He thought for second. "I never really thought of it. I don't know if being famous would be for me."

"Liar!" Liam said playfully. "You told me the other day that it would be incredible."

"I won't lie, I did say that. But... I don't know if I'd be able to keep up."

"That's why you have us." Louis said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Zayn. we're a family, we're brothers. We pick each other up when we fall and if needed, we'll carry you the rest of the race."

Zayn smiled as he stared straight head at the freeway. "Thanks Lou." He stopped at a red light and turned to the four boys next to him. "I love you guys. You're the brothers I never had." He nodded. "I'm always here for you guys whenever you need someone," he looked at Niall, "Or something." Niall smirked like a child. He knew Zayn was referring to him when he always asked Zayn to make him food.

the rest of the drive, the five boys just talked about whatever, enjoying each others company. Once they arrived at the studio, the walked in sync inside and down the long corridor that led to different studios. But they were headed to their specific studio; Studio C, that Paul had gotten just for them. On the plaque next to the door read; One Direction: Studio C.

Liam unlocked the door to the room as Louis, who stood behind all of them, placed his hands on Harry's back and pushed them all in, onto the floor. They fell into a dog pile with Louis on top who was laughing at the top of his lungs.

"Louis, will you ever grow up?" Liam asked from the bottom on the pile, groaning, trying to move the other off of him.

Louis giggled and got off. "One day Liam, one day!" He said, holding up on finger to emphasize. He than held out his hand to help Harry up, than Zayn, Niall, and lastly, Liam.

"One day." Liam said rolling his eyes.

"One day." Louis smiled proudly.

Zayn brushed off his jacket sleeves and adjusted the collar back to its before position. "Alright, that's enough messing around for right now. Let's get to rehearsing and han we can goof around."

The boys agreed and headed into the recording studio, shutting the door behind them. They rehearsed Little Things again, after writing down the lyrics and giving each other their own copy. Louis took his place on the piano bench; he wasn't going to play, but Niall was going to play his guitar. the music from the recording plays around them as Harry turned on the speakers and turned on the recording.

And like that previous day, Zayn started singing, the boys losing themselves in the song.

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"Guys?" Louis asked, as they sat once again in their rehearsal studio, finished with the song and just taking a quick break. Louis rubbed his stomach, his other hand holding Harry's as they sat on the soft couch, Liam, Niall, and Zayn on the other. "If we did become famous? What would become of us?"

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked, resting his right leg on his left.

"Like, say we do become big famous celebrities? And we made all this money and had screaming fans. And all this drama, paparazzi, and rumours. What would that do to us? Would it all get to a point where it would tear us apart and we wouldn't be, you know, us? A band? One Direction? Brothers?"

They all sat in silence for a few moments as Louis continued to rub his stomach and look down at his and Harry's hand intertwined. It seemed like an eternity before Liam spoke up.

"No matter what happens, we will always be brothers. And no matter what happens, we will always be One Direction. Even if we broke up, we will never change as a band. We were meant to be," he gestured to all of them, "this, a band, brothers. We were meant to be One Direction. We are meant to be here in this position, writing music and doing what we're doing. Nothing, not even lying rumours, drama, pressure, and break ups will change the boys we are supposed to be. If we do become famous, we will stand by each other and help each other through it. Like Louis said, we will help each other up when we fall and we will carry each other if we have to." Liam was quiet for a second before adding. "I love you guys and I know nothing will ever come between us."

Smiles of happiness and 'I love you guys' filled the room. They all stood in syn and pulled each other into a tight group hug that went on for what felt like forever; a long, heartfelt, and wonderful forever.

"We certainly are hugging a lot more lately." Niall commented. "But I love it!"

"I do too." Zayn said. "I don't think I've ever felt so close to you guys." He looked to Harry and smiled. "You seem to be giving us a lot of good luck lately."

Harry returned the smile. "Or you guys are finally letting your emotions and thoughts out and keeping them to yourselves." He placed a hand on Zayn's shoulder. "Maybe I just showed you how to be yourself and speak your mind."

"You certainly have. Thank you." Zayn gave Harry a hug, wrapping the younger lad in his strong arms and feeling him return the favour. "You've really opened my eyes."

"Likewise, my friend." Harry said, his smile seeming to brighten up the room with his words. "You all have. I didn't think I was ever going to go anywhere. Meeting Louis was the best thing that ever happened to me. And becoming mates with you guys was second best thing ever. You've all changed my life and I couldn't thank you more."

"I think we've all changed each other's lives." Louis spoke up. "We've all done something that had inspired one another and we've all picked up each other here and there. And this baby certainly will have the best, I know it." The others smiled. "You guys are the best mates I could have asked for. If I could be anyone else in the world and have anything I could ever ask for, I would turn it down and stay with you guys."

The other nodded in agreement. "Well," Niall said, "I would probably give all of you up for food." Chuckles emerged from the young men, pushing Niall around playfully who said. "I'm kidding. Nothing is better than you guys."

"Agreed." Liam put his hand out.

They looked at his hand as Zayn put his hand on top of Liam's. "Agreed."

"We're One Direction." Niall said, placing his hand in.

"We're family." Harry said, joining the others and placing his hand in.

"We're brothers." Louis said, smiling. "No matter where life takes us. No matter what happens. No matter what situations we get stuck in together. We do it together. We do it as brothers! Brothers..." He took a second and continued. "On three. One.. two... three..." Throwing up their hands, the five young adults shouted. "BROTHERS!!!"

They smiled and shared more hugs as Liam said. "We're also doing a lot of 'hands in' too." They all chuckled at his comment and nodded in agreement.

"We're going to be brothers forever." Niall said, smiling his big toothy smile.

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