Chapter 7: Three Weeks

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Three weeks. That's how long it's been since Harry joined the London Times Rockers and since he started dating Louis. Though all was going well for Harry, not everything was going well for Louis.

"Feeling sick, again?" Harry asked, rubbing his lovers back who lay on top of him. Louis simply nodded, a whimper escaping his lips. Harry shh'd  him pressing a kiss to his forehead.

The two boys were alone in the entire house, since Liam went to see his girlfriend and Zayn and Niall went to get dinner for later.

Though Harry and Louis would do more than just cuddle when they had their alone time, Louis had been feeling sick lately. Harry suspected it as a stomach flu and told Louis to rest and they would watch movies to get his mind off it.

Louis groaned in pain as his stomach began to do flip flops. "Harry, it's hurting again!"

Harry quickly lay Louis next to him and began to rub his stomach gently. He pressed soft kisses to his cheek, hoping it would help. It did, but barely.

"I'm gonna go get you a bowl of soup, that should make you feel better." Harry said, getting up from his spot and making his way to the door.

Louis watched him go, his mind thinking of all the possible reasons of why he was feeling sick all of a sudden.

Stomach flu? Logical.

Regular stomach cramps? Maybe

Could I be pregnant?  Louis asked himself. Doesn't seem possible, has a guy actually ever gotten pregnant before? It can't be possible, can it?

After ten minutes, Louis still couldn't figure it out. Thoughts of being pregnant filled his mind. Is it possible? How did it happen? Has there been any proof that says it's possible for a male to become pregnant?

Questions... unanswered questions that Louis didn't know the answers to. Confused by all of the things which he thought of, Louis slowly sat up and went to the bathroom to get some ibuprofen.

"Louis?" The sick British boy heard his name being called.

"In here!" Louis replied, getting the ibuprofen from the cabnit behind the mirror.

Listening to the sound of Harry's shuffling feet, Louis dumped three pills into the palm of his hand. He turned as Harry entered the bathroom.

"Soup's in the room." Harry slipped his arm around Louis's waist and walked him back to the room. Louis took the pills and sat down on his bed.

~ ~ ~

The next day, everyone slept in, not having a layout for the day. Louis awoke early. He checked the time: 8 am.

"Better move while they're still asleep." Louis muttered to himself, getting up and stretching. He threw on jeans and a t-shirt. Slipping his vans on, he made his way outside and to the car the boys shared. Louis started it up and backed out of their driveway. His mind only had one thought.

Don't know if it's possible, but I need to know... Time to find out if I'm pregnant or not...

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