Chapter 1: Guys Night Out

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"Louis, you coming?" asked Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson's best friend, as he fixed his hair in the hall mirror. He admired his reflection, running a hand through his gelled jet black hair. "Louis!" He turned and shouted to the room down the hall of the hotel suite.

"Yeah, yeah, calm yourself Lad!" Louis called from his bedroom. Walking up behind Zayn, Louis quickly fixed his hair in the long mirror. Zayn rolled his eyes and Louis chuckled. They made their way to the living room of the suite the two and their other two friends were sharing.

"Finally." Louis's friend Niall Noran stood up. "And I thought Zayn would be the last one out." He ran a hand through his dyed blonde hair.

Louis rolled his eyes again. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's get going." He picked up the car keys from the bowl by the door.

"I'll drive, Louis." said Liam Payne. Making a quick 360 spin, Louis tossed the car keys to Liam and opened the front door, exiting first.

The four of them headed to the elevator and went to the lobby. They laughed and joked around as they exited the fancy hotel. Niall had climbed onto Louis's back and he carried him to the red Cadillac they had rented.

"Onward, my trusty Lou!" Niall chanted, thrusting a fist in the air. "To victory!"

Louis chuckled in response and took off as fast as he could with Niall on his back. He playfully bumped into Zayn and Liam, shouting charge each time.

"Here's where you get off!" Louis dropped Niall into the back seat. "Victory has been claimed ours!"

"Yeah!" Niall shouted in his deepest voice, again thrusting a fist in the air. "Thank you, we won; against the Deadly Zayn and the Treacherous Liam." Niall sat upright. He pulled his seatbelt around him and buckled up.

Jumping into the front seat, Louis buckled up, while Liam hopped in the drivers seat and Zayn in the back next to Niall. Quickly starting the engine, Liam pulled out of the hotel lot and drove off down the busy street of downtown San Diego, their radio blasting. The warm breeze of the night warmed their arms, making them grateful they dressed in polo's. Except Louis, who wore a black and white striped button up.

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"Here we are!" Liam parked across the street from the biggest nightclub in the city.  "Lets go Lads."

Getting out, they all made their way to the club, hearing the loud blasting music that came from inside. Louis smiled as the four of them reached the entrance. The guard gave them all looks, but quickly stepped aside when they showed their ID. Louis smirked to the guard and patted his chest.

"Doing a good job, Lad." He walked in with the other three on his tail. The guard rolled his eyes and stepped back into position, clasping his hands in front of him.

Inside, their ears filled with loud music blasting from the many ten foot tall speakers. The smell of liquor, alcohol and cigarettes invaded their noses, making them inhale deeply. But that's what they were there for. Making their way to the bar stools, the four British and Irish boys sat down. A girl in a red crop top, booty shorts, and six inch black stilettos stalked over to them. She took their order, giving each a flirty wink and smile. After ordering a beer, Louis felt his pants pocket buzz; a phone call.

Pulling out his iPhone, he read the familiar number. "Be right back." Taking his drink, Louis exited the club and went outside. He leaned against the brick building and swiped the answer button. He put it to his ear and flipped his hair to the side. "Hello?"

"Hey, Louis it's Paul." replied the male voice on the other end. Louis could hear a tint of excitement in his calm, cool voice.

"I reconized your number." He released a feather light chuckle. "What's up?" he asked, taking a drink of his beer, letting it dangle next to his side.

"Um, nothing much. Just doing some paper work and... I might have got you and the other three a gig!"

Louis choked on his beer. He spit out almosy half of what he had in his mouth. Swallowing what had remained, the British boy began to cough uncontrollably. After a few seconds, Louis pulled himself together and found his voice. "Wait, what? Really?" He coughed once more and was finished. "Paul, are you pulling my leg?"

"No, I mean my words. I wouldn't lie about something serious that has to do with your careers!" Paul answered. Louis could see a serious look on his face. Louis heard a change in his voice. "But I feel like you guys are missing something." His voice went back to sophisticated.

"And that is...?" Louis took another drink and swallowed swiftly. "And when is the gig?"

"A new band member. And in a couple months for this big party."

"Band member?" Louis was confused. "Why?" He didn't think they needed another memeber; thinking they sounded great just the way they were.

As if reading his mind, Paul responded. "Don't get me wrong, you guys sound amazing, but I feel if we get another singer, then The London Times Rockers will be a hit. A big hit!"

Louis nodded, understanding where Paul was coming from and what he meant. "Well, boss knows best. I guess." Louis said, shrugging to himself. He stared down at the ground, kicking his Convers at a rock.

"Great. I'll see you guys in a couple weeks or so and find another member if you can. If not we'll hold auditions when you guys get the time."

"Kay Paul. Bye." Louis watched a police car sped by, lights flashing and sirens blaring and pressed end call button and hung up, slipping his phone back into his pocket. He leaned against the building and sighed. Louis took a drink of his beer and looked around the empty street. His eyes darted from the street lamps to the surrounding buildings.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped. His phone buzzed again. Louis fished it out and checked the caller ID; Paul. He gave the phone a questioned look and swiped the answer key. "Paul?"

"Louis, where are you guys?" Paul asked. "I heard a police car."

The British Lad smirked to himself. Classic Paul; always looking out for them. "We're just out getting a couple drinks." He set his drink down and slipped his hand into the pocket or his skinny jeans. "We're not in trouble. Don't worry."

Louis could see Paul put a hand on his chest in relief. "Thank God." He chuckled. "You boys worry me sometimes." Louis chuckled again as Paul added. "Get me a drink while you're at it."

"Ha maybe." Louis smiled. "But you'll owe me when we get back to London."

"Only if you're willing to stay and work late at the studio."

Rolling his eyes, Louis responded. "Just buy me a drink and I'll be--" He stopped when he saw a man approach him. Louis stared intently at his curly hair, that sat on his head, making the unknown man strangely attractive. Lowering his phone, Louis spoke in a cautioned tone. "Uh hi..."

The unknown man flashed Louis a smile and spoke in a sexy breathtaking British accent. "I'm Harry Styles."

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