Chapter 25: Big Night; Part 2: Eleanor Calder

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Louis stared at the van as Liam inspected it. "Seems to have popped somehow." He stood to his feet and wiped his palms on his jeans. "Can we call for help? Can we get a signal?"

Each boy pulled out their phone and held it up to see what they would get. They waited a few long moments walking around to get a signal. "Anything?" Liam called.

"No, nothing." Zayn called, looking at the others who mumbled no's in response. He sighed and lowered his phone. "What are we going to do?"

"Um..." Louis began to think. He snapped his fingers. "Maybe there's a tire iron underneath." He walked to the side of the van and lifted up the luggage compartment. He reached in and felt around before running his fingers along something. "There's a tire." Louis commented. "Wow Paul," he chuckled, "a spare tire, but no tire iron."

"What's so funny about that?" Zayn asked.

"How are we supposed to change a tire without the iron?" Louis gave Zayn a 'really' look.

"Sorry for asking." Zayn looked away while Harry helped Louis take out the tire, kissing his lips afterwards, giving him a crinkled eye, dimpled smile.

"I love you." Harry said.

"I love you too." Louis looked away, smiling like a 5 year old boy who found out he was going to Disneyland.

Ten minutes passed and the five boys sat on the ground next to each other, their backs against the van. They were no where near a town, let alone a gas station. They kept hoping for someone to drive by that they could get to help them. Zayn played with his sunglasses that rested on his nose, looking in each direction every few moments.

Louis licked his lips, his fingers intertwined with Harry's, who sat, rolling his head around on his shoulders to entertain himself. "How long have we been here?" He asked, using the hand that held Harry's to scratch his temple.

Niall checked his phone. "Almost fifteen minutes."

Louis groaned and banged his head against the van.

A few more minutes passed. Zayn jerked, scaring Liam who sat next to him. "Hey, hey guys, look!" He jumped to his feet. "There's a car coming this way!" He walked to the middle of the road and began to wave his arms as his friends rose to their feet.

They all joined Zayn in the frantic arm swing. The driver of the small car began to slow down. Louis could see from where he sat that the driver was a female. She slowed her car to a stop and Louis walked to the left side. The girl rolled her window down and Louis was greeted by a young brunette with hazel eyes.

"You guys need help?" Her voice was soft and sweet. She ran a hand through her hair, clearing taking an interest in Louis, who smiled trying to be oblivious to it.

"Yeah, do you have a car iron? Our tire popped." He swallowed, uncomfortable where he stood.

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