Chapter 21: Nightmares, Fights, And... A Relationship Break?

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Since Louis normally slept in Harry's room, he decided to just move in it. But before he did, he decided to spend the last few days in his room while he moved his thing into Harry's.

He showered and dressed in his plaid PJ's not bothering with a shirt. He crawl under his covers and sucked in a deep breath of air. The bedside clock read; 9:47 as Louis slowly shut his eyes and let his mind go blank.

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As Louis was on the verge of dreamland, he heard something. A loud thud. He quickly sat up and looked around his room. Nothing... Louis' narrowed his eye brows. "Funny..." He mumbled under his breath. "When did I put my jacket..." Before the British boy could speak another word, the sound of something big hitting the floor echoed throughout the room and house.

Louis froze in his position, his body going clammy. "Harry?" He asked quietly hearing footsteps in the hall. They passed by his door and continued down the hall. Louis rose to his feet, taking slow steps to the bedroom door. He pressed his foot down as gently as he could, not to make a sound. But luck wasn't on his side.

The next step Louis took, just ahead of his bed... made a loud creeeeaaaakkk.

Again, Louis froze, listening as the footsteps stopped walking. He held his breath, afraid to make any noises... Then, the footsteps turned around and made their way back to Louis' room. He quietly cursed under his breath and looked around hurriedly for something to defend himself. The closet thing he grabbed was a wooden baseball bat by his bed.

Louis trembled as he held the bat in his shaky grip. His heart felt like it would explode from his chest. The footsteps quieted down and Louis could see a shadow under his door. "Louis..." He heard Harry's voice and his heart began to ease.

"Harry?" Louis trembled, as the doorknob turned and slowly creaked open. The bat fell to Louis' side as he saw the figure in the doorway. He screamed.

And woke up...

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Louis screamed as loud as his high voice could scream. He gripped his bed sheets, unable to control the fear he felt inside. His bedroom lights flashed on and was immediately wrapped in someone's arms; against someone's chest.

"Louis... shhh..." Harry's soothing words calmed his screaming. "Shhh... it's okay, Baby. I got you now. You're safe now..."

Louis, placing his shaking head into his loves chest, continued silently sobbing. Harry ran his tender fingers down Louis' back, rocking him back and forth as their other three friends appeared in the doorway. Niall held onto a stuffed teddy bear as he and the others looked at Harry, who muttered: "I got this."

Liam nodded and looked to Zayn before ushering him out of the bedroom, dragging Niall by the arm. Giving them a tired smile, Harry continued to rock his boyfriend softly, his hand never stopping stroking down his back. And after a few minutes, Louis' sobs ceased, but he kept a firm grip on Harry's arm.

"Louis, darling, what happened?" Harry asked, feeling he already knew the answer. Louis muttered a reply and Harry could make out the sentence, "I had a nightmare". He nodded and kissed the top of his head, closing his eyes and rocking Louis until the sun rose into the sky. "It's okay, it's just a nightmare. It'll only happen once or twice..."

But they didn't last only once. Every night when Louis went to bed, he would wake up in the early hours screaming. Even when falling sleeping with Harry, he woke up screaming. The days went by and Louis had dark circles under his eyes. He could barely keep himself awake during the day and couldn't stay asleep at night. The four boys became worried about him deeply to the point where they were begging him to get help.

"Guys! I'm perfectly fine!" Louis once shouted at them as he stood at a microphone, awaiting to start rehearsing for their upcoming gig. "Let's just rehearse! Please?!"

Harry became most worried. He began to stay up so he could be ready to comfort Louis when he woke. Louis had scolded him for staying up and not sleeping, but Harry explained that if Louis wasn't going to sleep, than he wouldn't either. He took multiple pills to keep himself awake to a point where Louis would beg him to stop and stop worrying about him.

The two soon began to argue more and more frequently and would avoid each other when they came face to face. At rehearsals, they would stand at separate ends of the room. They would get their job done, but the job between them stayed open and untouched.

And it finally Liam had had enough.

"You should, I want to see how our baby is doing!" Harry shouted as if the word 'our' disgusted him..

"Well, I don't want to go anywhere with you!" Louis shouted back and Harry threw a plastic glass at the wall, shattering it into tiny plastic pieces. His raging hormones kicked in. "I'm not going!"

"Yes you are! So we know if the baby is doing good!"

"He is doing just fine, thank you very much!"

"Well, considering you haven't slept in days, the baby might be just as exhausted as you are!"

"Guys!" Liam shouted, startling everyone in the room listening to Louis and Harry arguing. "You two need to stop arguing! You have been bickering non-stop for the last three days and you can't even look at each other without wanting to wring each other's necks! And I can't take it anymore!"

Louis and Harry began to complain about each other to him, their words getting jumbled up with one after another. Liam shouted again. "Stop!" When Louis and Harry took a seat on separate ends of the couch, Liam continued in a calm voice. "I think you two need to talk this out-in calm voices. No shouting and no throwing items! It hurts me to see my two best friends fight over stupid little things."

Louis sucked in a deep breath as Liam herded Zayn and Niall out of the room and upstairs, leaving the two boyfriend's on the sofa. They sat in silence, refusing to speak to one another for what like an eternity. It was Harry who broke the silence.

"Do you hate me?"

Louis chuckled softly. "No, I don't hate you..."

"I don't hate you either." Harry began and Louis nodded. "Then why do we keep arguing?"

Louis bit lip and shrugged unknowingly. "I don't know..."

Harry nodded too. "Do you think... do you think we're falling apart?"


"Do you think that this, our relationship, is falling apart? Are we drifting apart in different directions?"

"No!" Louis cried. "Never! Sure, we fight, but don't all couples do that?"

"Louis... I don't want to break up with you." Harry said, pulling his legs up onto the couch. "But I think we need a break."

Louis' face dropped and he could feel tears sting the corners of his eyes. "What?"

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