Chapter 17: Shower Sex; Part One

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((Sorry if it sucks. I don't fhink I'm very good at these...))

"Good choice on the laser tag." Zayn commented after the five boys returned from a night out with a fancy dinner followed by many games of laser tag against one another.

"Thanks." Louis chuckled, hanging up his jacket on the coat rack. "It's been a while since we've went out to laser tag."

"Yeah, no kidding." Liam agreed, chuckling softly. Niall nodding in agreement.

Harry watched the four friends mingle to one another, smiling in amusement at Louis who smiled his big childlike smile. His arms reached out and pulled Louis' back against his chest, kissing his ear softly and clasping his hands around his waist.

"Yeah, we'll definitely need to do laser tag more often!" Louis said as Harry pulled him against his chest. He let his hands rest on top of Harry's, making himself comfortable against the curly haired lad, feeling a forming erection against his backside. "Next week again, perhaps?"

"I'm in." Zayn and Liam said together. Niall agreed a second after.

"Hate to break up the laser tag reuniting party, but we need to get to bed so we can meet up with Paul tomorrow morning." Harry said, smiling and taking Louis' hand and dragging him with him upstairs. He didn't plan on sleep just yet.

"Hey!" Liam called after Harry who stopped briefly to look at him. "By sleep, do you mean sleep? Or vice-versa for you two?"

"Maybe both!" Harry smirked, dragging along his giggling lover to his bedroom. As soon as the bedroom door shut behind them, Harry pulled Louis into his arms, smashing their lips together in a passionate manner. Louis tangled his fingers in Harry's hair, tugging at it with gentle force. He moaned against Louis' lips, his hands moving down south, squeezing Louis' ass.

"I can tease too." Harry smirked, pulling his lips back.

Louis chuckled softly, kissing the tip of Harry's nose. "I noticed."

Harry smiled, taking Louis' hands and lacing their fingers. "Come shower with me, please?"

"Of coarse, my Love." Louis rubbed his knuckles over Harry's soft cheek. He smiled and followed Harry to their bathroom, locking the bathroom door behind them. Harry started up the shower and let it heat up as he turned to face his boyfriend.

"Arms up." Harry took Louis' hands and raised them above his head. He then moved his hands back down and slipped his hands beneath his mates shirt. He slowly pulled his stripped shirt above his head and dropped it into the nearby hamper, admiring Louis' tattooed body. "So beautiful..." He whispered.

A light pink blush crawled onto Louis' cheeks and he smiled down at the ground. He felt Harry lift his chin up with his index finger and slowly press his lips to his own. "I love you." Louis' words left his mouth, his lips still intact with Harry's.

"Likewise, my Darling."

Smiling shyly, Louis reached his hands down under Harry's shirt and began to lift it up the same way he had just moments before. Harry raised his hands up and allowed his significant other to remove his shirt.

Looking down at his jeans, Harry smiled and began to undo his belt buckle and jeans button. Next followed his zipper and seconds after, his clothing fell freely to the bathroom floor. "You're turn." Harry winked, running his hands down the older boy' torso.

Looking down with his eyes, Louis kicked away his jeans, Calvin Klein's and slowly knelt down to his knees. His eyes drifted up to look into Harry's beautiful face. Harry licked his lips slowly, causing Louis' shaft to stiffen slightly. His eyes moved back to his jeans and he moved his hands to the button and undid it, pulling the zipper down with it. His long fingers slid in between his boxer briefs and torso. Louis chewed eagerly on his lower lip as he pulled Harry's jeans down to his ankles, his eyes staring straight ahead at his erection.

Louis raised his hand and grasped it, a low moan escaping from deep in Harry's throat. Biting his lip once again, Louis slowly began to move his hand up and down Harry's hardened cock.

Groaning, Harry squeezed his eyes shut. He rolled his head around on his shoulders, body leaning against the counter. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the marble countertop tightly.

Louis smiled eagerly. Hope the baby doesn't need anything. He thought in cramp like terms as he took the tip of Harry's length into his mouth, softly kissing it and letting his tongue swirl around it.

"Ah, fuck..." Harry suppressed another moan, his hand slithering into Louis' hair, gripping it tightly in his fist. "Jesus, Lou, don't tease me like that!"

Smirking at his handy work, Louis pulled more of Harry into his mouth and sucking slowly on it. Trying to keep himself from fucking Louis' mouth, the curly haired lad gripped the counter, resisting desperately. He looked down at Louis who rested a hand on his thigh, his other pumping up and down the base of his cock.

Unable to control his moans, Harry began to breath heavily, running his hands through Louis' hair, begging him to continue. As if he had read his thoughts, Louis continued his movements, quickening his pace slightly, wanting Harry to crumble at his hand.

"Louis..." Harry whimpered softly. "Fuck, I'm so close..."

Perfect.... Louis smiled. It was what he wanted. He knew exactly what would send Harry over his edge. Freeing his teeth behind his lips, Louis let his teeth graze over Harry twitching length. A deep groan could be heard from deep in Harry's throat as he reached his climax. Louis felt his warm salty liquid run down his throat as he swallowed as much as he could, some streaking down the corners of his mouth and down his chin.

Pulling back, satisfied, Louis slowly pushed himself to his feet, coming face to face with his heavy breathing boyfriend. He used the back of his hand to wipe his face of the excess cum and gave Harry a smirk. Harry, still breathing heavily, grabbed Louis by the arm and yanked his body against his, pulling their lips into a deep embrace. By now, the bathroom had begun to fog up, the mirror fogged up, leaving a handprint on it as Harry set Louis up on the counter and placed his hand on the mirror, leaving a dripping mess on it.

"Harry, the shower..." Louis murmered, Harry kissing his neck softly. He ran his fingers through Harry's mess of curls on top of his head.

Licking his lips, Harry grasped Louis by the waist and lifted him onto his waist, waiting from him to wrap his legs around his waist before stepping into under the hot steamy shower water. He smiled to Louis who held onto him, his arms around Harry's neck. The two smiled to each other, their eyes full of love, not lust.

"How did I get so lucky?" Louis asked, smiling to Harry.

Harry smiled back and spoke happily. "I ask myself the same thing every day." With those words spoken, Harry leaned in and pressed Louis' lips to his, in a sweet and romantic embrace.

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