09 | easy does it

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Jeongguk didn't know what he was looking for until he found himself in the parking lot, searching for a particular person's car

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Jeongguk didn't know what he was looking for until he found himself in the parking lot, searching for a particular person's car.

He didn't have a plan. Jeongguk never really had a plan in life, and somehow he wasn't doing too bad (don't copy him on that though), but right now, he probably should have one. Mostly because it would make things a lot easier and portray him as less of an idiot than he already was.

You see, he didn't know why he walked all the way out here when he could have simply shrugged his shoulders and went back up to Sae's office and waste time like he usually did up there. There wasn't a need to chase after Taehyung— or well, if you could even call this chasing after someone.

For all he knew, Taehyung was probably alright. He was a big guy. He stood taller than Jeongguk only because he didn't slouch, and he had more weight than Jeongguk could ever imagine having so there was that.

There was also a good chance he was a toughie at heart too, so Jeongguk venturing all the way out here was most likely pointless.

Taehyung probably had everything handled, but god, the fucking nagging in the back of his mind was going to drive him crazy if he didn't check on him. The only reason he could be doing this was to ease his conscience, perhaps even shut it up because it wasn't really doing him wonders.

Anyway, it didn't take long for Jeongguk to find him since he was always parked at the front. The reason for that was because Taehyung strictly said, quote on quote, that he "didn't want him to break a lung trying to cross the ginormous parking lot" to get to him.

Or, in other words, Taehyung thought Jeongguk was going to fucking die before he reached him if he parked at the back.

It was ridiculous when he first heard it, but as he approached Taehyung's car, already out of breath, his chest flooded with this particular warmth when the thought resurfaced in his mind. It blossomed in clusters, though with every bloom, it somehow ached more than his inability to properly breathe.

Jeongguk tried not to think about it. Tried not to think about how considerate Taehyung was. Tried not to think about all the times Taehyung cared. They didn't know each other long, but somehow, Taehyung cared in some shape or form every time.

The pancakes in the mornings. The early morning small talk. The how are yous turning into fond insults. The bucketlist. The driving lessons. The other stupid reasons he gave when he tried to accommodate him, though as stupid as they were, it didn't make him feel like some freak. The smiles. The laughs. The comfort.

It wasn't some big, extreme realization. Jeongguk didn't have any dramatic, cliche music blaring in the background, nor was there any rain or a will to run thrumming through his veins. Instead, his heart just tightened, and his face, god his face, felt warmer than it should be.

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