19 | breaking and entering

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The car ride was silent for the most part, and luckily Jin didn't pester him anymore when they got to the college

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The car ride was silent for the most part, and luckily Jin didn't pester him anymore when they got to the college. Judging by the immense size of the place, it was a far walk from the parking lot to the boys' dorm. Jeongguk tried (and miserably failed) to hide the fact he was wheezing loudly behind Seokjin as they trekked through the wondrous student parking.  

"You good bro?" Seokjin coughed awkwardly when they were in the elevator.

Jeongguk sucked in a sharp breath, "Yeah. Just terminal illness things, bro." Jin half grimaced, half smiled, and that was that.

"Alright," Seokjin clapped his hands together, signaling his attention when they finally stopped walking. "I'm gonna open the door, grab my shit, and dip. Tae's in his room, and if you wanna leave, make him drive you. Force him, if you have to. Or just steal his keys I don't care."

"Thanks," Jeongguk mumbled, following in after him  when he finally unlocked the door. He gave him a nod when Jin found what he wanted. Thankfully, he pointed in the direction of a door, which presumably was Taehyung's.

Jeongguk didn't know what to really do when the door clicked shut, leaving him alone. In Taehyung's dorm. You see, he didn't have a plan, so he was most likely screwed. Thanks Sae. Although, he guessed it wouldn't hurt to take a look around.

Their room was pretty cozy, and it reeked of male testosterone. Jin's bed was pushed to one side of the room along with his desk. He didn't decorate it much, but he did notice the strange sheep pillow and hockey posters with sharpie bikinis doodled over them— yeah no, he wasn't going to ask. There was a beat up couch with a coffee table made out of textbooks and a gaming console rigged to a small tv.

There was some trash, beer cans, and a few dirty clothes scattered about, but that was it. It wasn't as dirty and gross as he expected from a college dorm shared between two dudes to be. Maybe he was right on the smell though. He shuddered.

Eventually Jeongguk made his way to Taehyung's door, guessing it was one of those joint room thingies— he didn't know. He wasn't even in college. But when he stopped in front of Taehyung's door, he froze and his thoughts come crashing to an abrupt stop.

Wait. Was this the right thing he should be doing?

Hell, he didn't even bother to give Taehyung a text to give him a heads up. He wasn't sure either if he would be okay with the fact Jeongguk basically got forced into a car ride with Jin, all just so he could see him. He couldn't imagine how that'd look from his perspective, much less imagine the amount of teasing Taehyung would torture him with later. If he would be teasing him after this.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea. But he meant what he told Jin. The only reason he was here was to make sure that Taehyung didn't die on him and figure out if he hated him now. It was partially a joke, though Jeongguk was genuinely curious as to why this shitbag wasn't coming back to him.

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