29 | hope you're okay

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Hope was a pitiful thing

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Hope was a pitiful thing. Jeongguk knew that the day he got his diagnosis that hope was a useless thing to have.

It was proven to be even more true when he didn't see Taehyung in the following days before the hospital party. It made sense, seeing Jeongguk got another fever. At least it wasn't too bad, but it drove Taehyung away anyway.

He tried to not let it bother him that Taehyung left him yet again. It seemed to be a habit of his to run when things get awkward or complicated, but did he blame him? Not necessarily. Sure, it was a little frustrating but at least Taehyung could run away. Jeongguk didn't have that privilege to escape his thoughts when things got rough, and you could say a part of him envied Taehyung a little for that.

But Jeongguk carried on as best as he could, even though Taehyung was barely there. It was usually Jimin and Hoseok that would keep him company. He didn't really like how obnoxious and loud the two can get when they were paired together, but it saved him from spending his dwindling time in the silence with nothing but himself and thoughts he wasn't quite ready to face just yet.

It was fine. Things were just... fine. Subpar. Mediocre, even. Who was he to complain? At least he was still alive.

At least he was still alive.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Jimin was sitting across from him in the main hospital cafeteria. The guy practically followed Jeongguk around every where, insisting he wanted to do. It was funny because Jeongguk swore he heard the same thing from someone else.

"To be completely honest? Not really," Jeongguk said, crossing his arms over the table, making sure his crutches wouldn't fall next to him. "I hate dances."

"Why?" Jimin pouted, the sandwich he was bringing to his lips stopping midair. "Dances are fun!"

"You've never been to one before," His brows crumpled.

"So?" Jimin took a heart bite out of his food, and in between chews he mumbled out, "I think it'll be fun anyway!"

"Are you always this optimistic?" Jeongguk asked, gesturing at him. Jimin's lips fluttered into a smile. After he swallowed, he gave him a nod.

"Yeah," He said. "I try. It's better than being sad about a past I don't remember." Jeongguk's entire expression fell.

"Oh, right," He shifted awkwardly in his seat, fingers scratching the side of his neck. "Amnesia. I forgot."

"I'm going to ignore that pun whether it was intentional or not," Jimin tossed his head forward, letting out a gentle laugh as he pulled the tomatoes out of his sandwich and dropped them onto his plate. "But yeah. I like looking at the bright side. Screw toxic positivity because at least it's positive."

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