20 | elephant in the room

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"I don't get why my brother's making us look for fucking birds," Taehyung grumbled, lowering the cheap plastic binoculars Namjoon handed him away from his eyes

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"I don't get why my brother's making us look for fucking birds," Taehyung grumbled, lowering the cheap plastic binoculars Namjoon handed him away from his eyes. "We're a goddamn support group, not wilderness scouts."

He was honestly right— for once. On one of the few, rare sunny days in the month of March, Namjoon thought it'd be a nice little adventure for the group to head out to the outdoor area beside the hospital and look for birds. Birds. Of all things. Like they totally weren't smack dab in the middle of a dense metropolitan area.

Namjoon had good intentions, don't get the guy wrong. But Jeongguk would admit that he wasn't the brightest in some situations, and this happened to be one of those moments where Kim Namjoon wasn't exactly the shiniest tool in the shed.

Although, it was a well planned trip. Since there was a chill, they gave Yoongi a thicker blanket to wrap around his shoulders. Jimin was trying to convince him to wear the stupid wool cap he got for him because of the breeze, and in turn, Yoongi was doing his best to pretend he didn't exist.

Hoseok and Sooha were the only ones enthusiastic enough to look for birds. Besides the whole oxygen tank shebang and the struggle to tug it over the grass, Hoseok was leading their search, explaining to Sooha about all the types of birds that existed.

She seemed to be interested in the little spiel, and Namjoon himself joined them not too long ago, just as engaged as she was.

That left the two of them on their own. Jeongguk wasn't exactly the best at biology, and Taehyung was indifferent as always. Well, more indifferent than usual after their accident a week ago. There wasn't much he could really change, but at least he was here spending time with him even if it only lasted for the entire two hours of the meeting.

From time to time they switched who got to use the binoculars, but besides that, they were just standing by the garden, staring up at nothing in particular. At times, someone would excitedly yell about a bird only to be disappointed by an aircraft or some weirdly shaped cloud.

"You're in a sour mood," Jeongguk glanced over at him, noticing how a scowl recently found its new home over Taehyung's lips, completey replacing the smile Jeongguk was used to seeing on the daily.

"Seoul has no fucking birds," He ignored him like he usually did lately. He gave the binoculars to him.

"I want to leave." Taehyung said, scanning the area for Namjoon.

"Then leave," Jeongguk rolled his eyes. He brought the binoculars to his eyes but shortly gave up after.

"But then I'd get obliterated," Taehyung whined. "I want to sleep. I slept for twelve hours yesterday. I missed my lectures, but dude, that on-call room is heavenly."

"Well if that's the case, don't you think you slept enough? Or well, y'know. Go back to college?" He scoffed, snaking his hands into his coat pocket when a particular chilly breeze rustled past them.

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