21 | imperfectly perfect

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have i talked about how favorite crime
sums up this book?

For the first time in a while, Jeongguk genuinely had fun with strangers

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For the first time in a while, Jeongguk genuinely had fun with strangers.

After chatting with Chul and getting to know more about him over a few more drinks, Jeongguk found himself flirting back like the good old days. It wasn't any different flirting with a guy compared to a girl, but he didn't mind it. Felt just the same, and for once, he was all flustered and fluttery being given all sorts of compliments.

Eventually, Seokjin invited them to play some games, and they joined without any hesitation. He spent most of the time learning them once more, and when he finally got a grip on his strategy, he was beating everyone. Laughter wrung his stomach dry, and every shot he took made him feel lighter.

He started to forget about Taehyung around the seventh shot he had. The more these warm people welcomed him in, the more he forgot about him. Luckily he was a heavy weight, so he didn't worry that much.

He wasn't that drunk, just more relaxed, but of course there would come a point where he needed to stop. He checked the time since he wasn't a fucking idiot, and he sent the occasional text to Sae to let her know he was doing alright.

Eventually the party migrated to the kitchen. He stood around the counter, watching as Chul fished out two beer cans from the fridge. Jeongguk murmured a soft thanks and cracked open the seal, nose still wrinkling at the bitter fermented taste of beer. God, he'd never get used to that.

"I noticed you're still waiting around for someone," Chul slid into the space beside Jeongguk.

"You did?" Jeongguk asked, somewhat used to craning his neck up to meet Chul's gaze. Chul hummed back at him.

"Can I ask who, or is it too personal?" Chul nudged his elbow. Jeongguk snorted, taking another sip.

"It's not," He said in a matter of fact way. "Do you know a Kim Taehyung?" At that, Chul's eyebrows raised.

"Oh? That guy? With the girlfriend?" Jeongguk nodded. Chul sighed, "Yeah, I do. His girfriend is in one of my classes. I've heard a bit about him."

"Who hasn't honestly?" Jeongguk joked lightly.

"He's pretty popular. So is his girl," Chul agreed. "I'm guessing you two are close?"

"You can say that," He shrugged, glancing down at the can in his hands.

"How is it being friends with him?"

"It's nothing different." He didn't know why he was downplaying their relationship to this guy, but perhaps there was a reason. A reason he just didn't want to think about at the moment. "He's nice and genuine— all that stuff y'know?"

"Right," Chul said. "But you know his girlfriend right? Han Haewon's just... interesting. I'm all about supporting women and shit, but she just makes it hard! Like god, her personality is just trash."

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