14 | adulty things

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for clarification: this isn't a friendship fic [:

Taehyung stood behind Jeongguk as he clutched the toilet bowl, body hunched over as he retched the contents of his empty stomach into the poor unsuspecting thing

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Taehyung stood behind Jeongguk as he clutched the toilet bowl, body hunched over as he retched the contents of his empty stomach into the poor unsuspecting thing. It would be an understatement to say that this morning was one of the rough days because today absolutely sucked.

"Hey," Taehyung chuckled uneasily, handing him a wad of paper towels when Jeongguk let out a dry cough, "at least you didn't vomit on her tits this time!"

Jeongguk glared at him and took the paper towels, wiping his mouth. He watched through narrowed eyes as Taehyung flushed the toilet, whistling a little tune as he went about helping him like it was totally normal thing to oversee your friend vomitting their soul out.

"You don't think this is weird or anything?" He said, throat raw as he dumped the paper towels into the trash bin. Taehyung shook his head, helping him up to his feet.

"Nah," He said, following Jeongguk to the sink. "I expected something like this to happen some day."

"How considerate," Jeongguk sneered. He washed his hands in the sink, internally cringing at the fact he held a public toilet bowl with his bare hands. God, the things that you did when you were sick.

"Oh you know it," Taehyung patted his shoulder. "It's no biggie though. Sometimes you just gotta stand by and help as your friend slowly dies before your eyes."

Jeongguk met Taehyung's gaze in the mirror. He scowled at him, only to be given a crooked smirk in return and a shitty thumbs-up. He rolled his eyes, but before he could focus on scrubbing public toilet germs away, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, and man— it did not look good.

There were good and bad days. There was no doubt that today was the latter, and it reflected in his face. His features were hollow and gaunt. The color of his skin was an ugly, sickly mix of white and gray that glistened with a thin sheen of sweat. The dark shadows cast beneath his eyes were more prominent in this state, and god, his lips were so badly chapped that no chapstick could save them.

"You good Jeon?" He hated how soft Taehyung's voice was. Part of him wanted to shout at him to shut up and leave, but he knew deep down that he couldn't do that.

Or at least, he didn't want to.

Jeongguk grimaced and dried his hands off on yet another paper towel. He could feel Taehyung's eyes on him, probably waiting for his reaction, the worry settling into the already dense atmosphere. Maybe he shouldn't stare at mirrors too long with Taehyung around. He would psychoanalyze him again.

"Can we forget this happened?" Jeongguk asked after the two of them walked out of the bathroom.

"Sure, if that's what you wanna do," Taehyung snaked his hands into his jacket pockets. He snapped his fingers. "Bam, I already forgot it."

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