12 | are we friends

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To say he was nervous was an understatement

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To say he was nervous was an understatement.

Jeongguk usually wasn't like this. But then again, the last time he even considered going out with a girl his age was roughly two years ago, and his last relationship ended up with the poor girl getting traumatized for life.

Surely he wasn't going to vomit all over someone and drop the cancer bomb again, but it was reasonable to say that Jeongguk was also pretty scarred too. Plus it wasn't cancer anymore. It was a "hey I'm gonna die in five months" bomb, and he knew had to drop it just so he wouldn't lead the poor girl on.

Don't get him wrong: he wasn't that cocky enough to claim she'd fall for him right off the bat. He wasn't exactly quite the eye-pleaser anymore (maybe not as bad as Prince Philip), but that was beside the point.

Telling her was the right thing to do in case she did want to meet him again. He just couldn't do that to someone else. Leaving Sae was hard on its own, and Taehyung was a whole different story he wasn't going to analyze at the moment.

There simply wasn't enough room in him to care for another person.

Although Sae somehow agreed with Taehyung when Jeongguk brought it up to her the other night. As long as he knew not to drag it on and was one hundred percent honest with her, he could go on the date. It wouldn't hurt to have fun and feel normal for one evening— which were Sae's exact words.

Fun. Normal. Dating. Jeongguk snorted at the idea of being able to experience that again. It felt too good to be true, like this wasn't happening, and it was all some cruel, cruel dream. At this point, he believed there was a good chance he was already on his deathbed, making this all up in his drug-hazed mind.

Fortunately, it wasn't a dream when a tiny body collided right into his, nearly sending him forward if it wasn't for his decent reflexes that grasped onto the wall to keep himself from knocking over. Ow. At least that reminded him he was definitely awake.

"Crap, I'm so sorr— oh my god Jeongguk! It's you!"A familiar voice perked his attention. Jeongguk turned around, brows furrowing when Park Jimin came into view.

Jeongguk wasn't really friend with Jimin, but they did talk from time to time during group sessions. He didn't know much about him besides his brain tumor and his never ending social battery. Jimin never shut up, but he guessed it was charming.

As charming and kind as he was, he didn't really see the point in talking to him outside of the group. Having Taehyung as his buddy was already way more than he could possibly handle— adding Jimin to the bunch wouldn't be as appeasing.

Maybe in another life they could've been best friends, but Jeongguk didn't really spend his time entertaining the possibility any more than he should.

"What's got you in a rush?" Jeongguk asked, leaning against the wall as Jimin's round cheeks flushed pink.

"Oh, well, uh, I have an appointment today," Jimin explained, scratching the side of his neck. "Got another x-ray. Tests. Labs. All that jazz, y'know."

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